

Sunday, 28 February 2010

I was near the end of February!

Me,Zizou,Mum,and Pappa went to Sogndalstrand in the South of Stavanger it was so much fun when we came there we went into the hotel and found our room it was room K-2 and we let Zizou run around and explore    
the room after that I think we went for a walk, and then around seven we put Zizou in his cage and left to have dinner.
                               The next morning we had breakfst  and after that we went to the Rullestien ( the Rolling stone) to get there we had to walk over a very scary bridge and then we went  past a lake that was just a bit frozen and there was another bridge that Zizou was very scared to go on and when we got over that one then 
we were there standing right beside the Rollestein.              
All this hapend in the 27 of February and the 28 of February.

                                                 Here you can see some pictures!
mum and pappas bed at the hotel.
                                                              Me and pappa pushing the rolling stone.

we also went to a place where it was a house under a big cliff.

                                                                                                                                             written by Mia!