

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Cute and funny frogs!

Me,Zizou,Mum and Pappa,and Farmor and Farfar went to Arboret its a nice place in Stavanger  it is a bit like a park, with lots of trees,grass,big stones, tiny rivers running from the big lakes!
     It ´s like a dream when you are there!
            It sounds nice dont you think?
with lots of frogs there in the lakes!

It´s a snail´s easter!

 I know what you are thinking it is to late to be bloging about easter when its the 11th of April!
   but I forgot to blog because I was having to much fun at the flat in Antibes!
       Eating snails!
   I know it sounds so...  Well what do you think it sounds like?
Anyway I have got some pictures  do you want to see them?
     Well I will take that a yes!