

Sunday, 30 January 2011

The very last chapter oooofff! Puss and Luss and the farm trip!

"Good morning Wendy!"said Linda looking at her friend walk as slow as a slug down ten steps, you see that in Linda´s house you come in and you see the sofa at the left  and few steps in  front of you there is a wall, so when you have gone past the sofa and standing back to back with it you see the kitchen. But then after you have gone past the small and rectangel shaped tabel, you have right in front of you a nother wall. But that wall does not go all the way up to the roof, because thats were the stairs are.  The stairs go five steps  stright  down, and a tiny floor and then five steps down to the right.

  "Good morning Linda, whats for brekfast?"asked Wendy = Ms.Claws witch is Puss and Luss`s mother.
             "Well we had pancakes...." "What do you mean.... Oh now I get it! You are all just kidding with me!" "No we are not mum its  already  half past twelve (12:30) you over slept!" said Luss. "Well ok then, what are you three eating?" "Luch!"said Puss. You probely understand that Puss is only three so she can´t speak very well. "Whats luch?"asked Wendy.  No one answered... "I`m going back to bed!" "Mum! No, don´t you go back to bed! Only lazy cats do that..." No one said nothing! "...You used to be up and runing around teaching Puss to speak perfet,  corecting Linda´s cooking and making sure that  I  have had a shower!"said Luss. "Puss you  can speak...much better then that!  Linda you can make better soup then that! And Luss, have you showerd today?" asked Wendy softly.  "Because you smell of... of Linda´s horibel soup!!!!!"Wendy went stumping up the five steps that led to the flat bit and said"Are you happy now! Hhhmmm?!"and stumpted up the next pair of steps and floped in bed. "Why did that happen?"asked Luss softly. "I think your mum is just a bit... Puffed up!"Linda said.  "What do you mean by `Puffed up`?" asked Luss. "Oh, its just a, well a...It means that she`s a bit angry at you two!!!" Said Linda. "Angry! At me and Puss! She`s never been that befor!" "Normaly after a cat has gone sleep walking, they... That means that they don`t get much sleep,  and you`ve probely haerd of,  `You`ll get grumpy if you don`t get enouhg sleep`?" "Yes, yes I have" "Well thats what has happend to your mother, It will be over the next day!" "Well ok Linda thanks!" "Meeooowwww!!!!!"said Puss! " Puss! Puss! Thats her first very meow Linda!" "I``ll go up stairs and tell mum!!"shouted Luss. Luss looked at Linda and Linda gave Luss a face the face was telling Luss not to go up to her mother, and Luss understood.   "I guees we´ll have to tell mummy tomorrow Puss,"said Luss with a sigh. "We can still do fun things together Luss, you know just the three of us!" said Linda with a smile. "You mean just you, me and Puss!?" "Yes, yes I mean that, and what about we go to the mall in town!?" "Yippie!!" shouted Puss and Luss together! IN THE MALL

"Look what I have bought Linda!" said Luss. "I`ve bought: A pink top that says you are cute!  And a Christmas jumper,hat,coat,trousers and t-shirt!!!! Oh and I also bought a coat with a pumpkin on it for halloween!  Aanndd a t-shirt for Puss, that says: I LOVE MIBLY and one for me too. "Where`s Mibly?" asked Linda."You know, its where me,mum and Puss live!" "Oh! Yey I knew that! Did`ent I?"said Linda. "Yes you did Linda, but we better go home to mum." "Yey! Pussy miss mummy!"said Puss. "Yey, kom on girls, lets go home to Wendy."           BACK AT THE FARM

"SUPRISE! LOOK GIRLS I MADE LUNCH FOR YOU! AND WHEN I SAY THAT THEN I MEAN A EXTRA LUNCH FOR YOU!"said Wendy. "You did`ent really nead too do all this!" said Linda. "But I did it any way!"said Wendy. "Oh mum I`m so glad that your back!"