

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Chapter three Queen Merada

Kim woke up Varonda, "Wakey, wakey!" "Oh, where am I?" asked Varonda. "You’re on mars silly!" said Kim. "MARS! WHAT!?" shouted Varonda. "Calm down, I have someone you should meet" said Kim. Kim led Varonda outside and walked over to a tree, Kim typed in a code on the big tree and a door opened. A long, dark wet hallway led them to a sparkly light that turned into a room where Queen Merada lived. "Wow! Where am I?" asked Varonda shocked. She had just woken up you see so she was a bit tired and didn`t have a clue what was going on! Suddenly she saw a beautiful Queen sitting on a throne made of gold and rubies. "Welcome my child!" said the Queen. "Thanks" said Varonda. Kim took a step back beside the nights and let Varonda speak in privet with the Queen. Varonda took a step forword and asked: "Why do you want my here on mars? And why ME?!" The Queen looked surprised, "Don`t you know?!" "No, and can I get a answer from someone please? I am not going to wait forever you know!" The Queen looked at Kim and said: "Didn`t you tell Varonda about the war Kim?" "Eh, no" said Kim and crumpled up. "What war, what are you talking about?" asked Varonda. "Well maybe it’s by time someone told your Queen and looking at Kim angrily. Kim smiled to the Queen and whispered sorry.

They walked into a dark room that had no light at all. Varonda was tired because she just had wokend up, and because of all the shock. So she leened against the damp wall and the light came on. “Oh, I`m so sorry about that Merada!” said Varonda a shamed. The Queen looked at her surprised. “I was just looking for the light switch, its ok, you found it” The Queen was looking at Varonda thinking: Is she good enough for the war, can we trust her? Well we should give her a chance....

Varonda went a bit ahead now, it looked like she new where she was going, but she didn`t. The walls began to move, and the roof began to melt. The Queen quikly zapped the roof with her hand, and it the roof froze. Varonda was surprised, but was still afraid because of the walls. Then the Queen lifted her hand up and zapped the walls with her hand, the walls grew faster, the Queen looked surprised because it didn`t work. Her hand began to move and wiggle, with out her controling anything. They heard footsteps behind them, the sound got closer and closer. Varonda got pretty scared now, she thought: Who is it, I hope its just a gard, but why would a gard come here, when I have to speak in privet with Queen….?

Friday, 14 October 2011

Varonda and the secret

Varonda was laying in bed thinking about the stranger she had mett the other day. Why did`ent I ask what her name was, why did`ent I follow her, why did`ent I ask her to be her freind and to ask what was going on? Thought Varonda. Varonda walked slowly down the stairs and walked in to the kithen, sat down on the chair and thought a bit more: Why?Why?Why?! Her head felt like it was going to blow up or catch on fire. She got up and opend the frige door, and did`ent see a thing! Now she understud, she forgot to go to the shop yesterday! "Oh burnt toast!" she shouted. She ran upstairs and put on a brown blouse a brown jacket, some blue trousers and a scarf. She walked out the door and stumbled in to the car and let out a deep breath.
It was traffic every where! At last she entered the shop after forty five minuts traffic. She went to the bread department and got some brown seedy bread, then some ham, cheese, butter, tomatos, jam and some dourings.  She payed and went home.  When she arived she was so tired that she fell asleep in the car, she woke up and it was eleven o`clock! she had slept in one hole hour! Man she was hungry when she came inside, she tidied up and ate breakfast.She went back to the park after all the fussing about and sat down. She walked over to where she had mett the stranger and hoped she would find her again. She waited a bit and then she saw a glims of light over at the other side of the park! A few seconds later she saw the stranger. The stranger looked around and saw Varonda, walked over to her and said Hello. " Oh, hi!" said Varonda. "Are you looking for me again or what?"  "Yes! Mabey...."  Well whats YOUR name then?" asked Varonda despret to know.  " My name is Kim! said Kim.  Varonda thought a bit again, "Hhmm.. so what was your BIG secret?" asked Varonda. "Well I guess I can tell you...  Depends on how you handel it though." said Kim. Handel it, thought Varonda. Why would a secret be so scary...?  "Why do you keep on coming out of that light all the time?" asked Varonda.  "Follow me..." said Kim and started walking.  She stoped beside a tree and looked up and around. "No ones here" she said. Now Varonda was a bit scared.  Kim looked at her,  "I am a marshen" she said.  "WHAT!" shouted Varonda "A MARSHEN!!!"   "Keep it down will  you!" said Kim. "Oh sorry about that, what!?" whisperd Varonda in shock.  "Yes a marshen, I live on mars" said Kim.


This is a new story, not Puss and Luss but "Varonda". It is about a girl that grew up with only a mother, WHY? Because her father died befor she was born.... So she had a rough child hood, a you see, When she was grown up something completly out of the blue happend:

                                                                                           One day Voranda went outside in the park, she was VERY lonley, so she wanted to sit down on the bench and think about her lost family.... Then she saw a glims over in the other side of the park.She got up and walked closer to the light, and saw.... nothing!
She must have just been day dreaming. Well,well, Varonda thought, I`ll find some freinds some day.
Voranda never had any freinds, not that she was weierd or anything, just, she never had any. Then she saw a figur over there, a few meters away from the place where she was standing. What was it? She did`ent know, now it was clear! It was a human! But, did it come from the light? The human was very clear now, Varonda was`ent sure if she wanted to go and say hello to the human or not. Varonda pushed her self to go and say hello to the stranger. "Hello"  said Varonda. "Oh, hi," said the stranger. "Eh, I thought we could talk a bit longer then just  a hello." said Varonda. "Oh, sorry!" said the stranger. "I was looking for someone called Varonda." Varonda got a very big suprise. "I`m called Varonda!" The stranger stopped walking and turend around, there was a moment of silence. Then the stranger spoke: "Can ask what your last name?" Voranda thought a bit, shall she say her last name to a stranger? "Yes sure, it is Valrhona" The stranger looked suprised too. "Why where you looking for someone called Varonda?" asked Varonda. "Because, well, I really should not tell you...." said the stranger. " Well you should tell a person why your looking for them, should`ent you?" said Varonda.  The stranger started walking again.  "Why are you walking away from me?!" asked Varonda. "There is a secert behind it all....  and should`ent really say it." said the stranger, and started walking again....

            Hope you liked it, keep following if you want the next chapter.....