

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Puss and Luss and the sea of Catclaw 1

Luss streched her arms far up in the air, and yawned. The blue birds where singing loudly, but still quite calm. Luss got out of bed and looked out the window, the big willow tree was as beautiful as normal, and still as mistical. Luss slid her feet into her cozy slippers and yawned once more.  The peace was so nice,  Luss thought that it was unusual for it to be so quiet, so she slid out of her slippers and fell back on her pillow. She wrapped her self in her blanket, and pulled it up until it touched her ear. The peace was still there, and Luss liked that. No screaming, no shouting, no loud tv programs and most of all, no school. But Luss heard a little knock on her door, and then a little voice. "Sissy? Can you help me?" Luss sighed and turned around. Tramped her feet on the ground, and stomped into her slippers. "Ok, what is it?" asked Luss.   "Since you hade to wake me up cause of it...."  said Luss behind her back. Puss swinged her arms in circels and looked at Luss with sad eyes. "I'm hungry, and I told mummy. But she said to make it my self. But I can't reach the cearial box." Luss slid her hand through her hair, and mumbled to her self. "Oh my dog" Luss turned around again and smiled. "So, you couldn't reach the cearial box. And hade to wake me up from my wonderful sleep?" Puss swinged her arms again and noded. Luss sighed and walked out of the room, slow steps, like an elephant.  Luss stomped down the stairs, loud slow banging noises came from Luss's feet. Wendy lay on her back, and shouted to the girls. "Luss stop stomping! Its waking me up!" Luss stomped harder then befor. And shouted back. "MUM! I JUST WOKE UP CAUSE LITTLE PUSS COULDN'T  REACH THE CEARIAL BOX! AND I HADE TO HELP CAUSE YOU IGNORED HER! So don't shout at me!!" Luss sighed and stomped down the rest of the stairs. Luss striped on the last step, so she nearly crashed into the inland. Face against the hard, cold surfas of the kitchen table. Puss looked at Luss tilted her head. "Why are you sleeping sissy?" Luss didn't respond, instead she fell asleep there head on the inland, standing striad up with claws scartching against the table. Puss called again and agian, but Luss didn't bother to say a word. In the end Wendy shouted at Luss again. "Luss! Your sister is talking to you!" Luss scartched the table and put her head up. Walked towords the shelf to get the cearial box and answered her mother. "Yes mum, I'm doing it now!" Said Luss with an annoyed voice. Puss clapped her hands when Luss poured cearial into her sister's bowl. "There you go Puss, happy? Well how nice. Bye,bye!" Luss ran upstairs and fell into bed, forgetting to take her slippers off. Puss looked in her bowl. "But Lussy forgot to put milk in my bowl.." Puss twirrled around on her chair and jumped of. But befor Puss went upstairs she saw something on the coffe table. The three peices of papir moved a bit in the breeze that came from the open window. They didn't blow away though, cause they we're put under neeth a coaster. Puss walked step by step towords the table. The slight breeze moved her hair, Puss looked at sofa's that were at each side of the table, with the tv infront. She twitched her nose and sat down on the sofa. Turned the tv on, she kept on looking at the peices of papir. What are they for? Puss wondered so much that she thought that it wouldn't hurt just to look a bit... The pieces of paper were shining cause of the yellow sunlight. Puss streched her hand and took one. It said A TICKET TO THE CATCLAW SEA. LUSS CLAW.  Puss picked up another one it said PUSS CLAW on that one. The last on said WENDY CLAW.  Puss understood now, they were going on a trip!! Puss threw the tickets in the air and jumped up from the sofa, and ran around the island twice, while screaming "HALILUYA!!!!!!" Luss woke up from her Beauty-sleep and sat up. Shacked her hands and stroke her head. "What is she up to now then?!" Wendy woke up too. She took her eye mask of and lay it on her bedside table. Rubbed her eyes and said. "LUSS! TAKE CARE OF YOUR SISTER!" Luss jumped out of bed and walked into her mums room. "Mum, I was asleep! You ignired her when she needed help. I helped her, fell asleep and you called and then made her breakfats and fell asleep. AND NOW YOU CALL AGAIN! You are driving me mad!" Wendy stood up and looked at her daughter. "Don't talk to me like that!" Luss rolled her eyes and stomped her foot. "Well okay. But you go downstairs to Puss this time, cause I'm not!" Luss stomped out of her mums room. And fell back into bed. Starred at the roof and sighed again. "Grumpy mother." And turned around to sleep. If she could though....  Her mother on the other hand sighed aswell. "Grumpy daughter." 

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Zizou & pictures

Heres some pictures of cutie!