“Aren't we gonna board soon?!” Asked Luss impatient. Wendy sighed, “Yes,yes, were boarding in 5 minutes, relax.” Puss walked over to a box, it was cardboard, and square. Puss can't read, so she didn't understand the fat, black writing on the box. It wasn't dusty, someone might have just put it there. A man in pure black, came walking suspiciously to the box. Picked it up, and looked at Puss, he looked at Puss's feet, and then slid up to her face, and glowered. He took a step forward, only one foot, and then back, and walked away. Puss followed him with her eyes, and heard Luss and Wendy talking in the background her. She walked back to Luss and Wendy, bit her lip and tugged her mums jacket sleeve. Wendy hardly turned around, but still answered. “Not now Pussy” Puss spinned and spotted a piece of paper, she sniffed the air and walked slowly towards it. It had the same writing as the big box. And it was lying on the ground, just like it had fallen out of someone's pocket.... She took it anyway, but, the writing, Puss still couldn't' read! She straned her eyes, staring at the crumbled paper for ages. In the end she found out that it was in code, none of these words existed in Luss's dairy or in her mum's “good night” notes.
Puss looked a bit longer at the strange looking letters, but didn't figure anything out. “Puss?” she heard Wendy shout, Puss stuffed the paper in her pocket and ran to her mum. “I'm here mummy” Wendy let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god your safe, I thought someone had stolen my little Pussy!” Luss handed her passport and ticket to the lady. “Thank you, next,..” Luss stood there, waiting for her mum and sister to pass as well. They did. “I call window seat!” giggled Luss, “Okay sissy, only this time. Pussy wants to sit there too..” They laughed, “Well Puss, you've always sat beside the window, let me do it at least once more?” Puss, crossed her arms, “So you want a deal?” Luss bendt down too see Puss's face, and touched her own knees too keep her balence. “What do ya want?” Puss touched her chin, “10 pounds” Luss stood up again, and slowly shock her head, “Eh, no way!”
Puss started walking again, infront of them, and then walked backwards while talking. “Well, then I'll take the window seat,” “Next time as well..” She skipped over to the plane, said hello and smiled. Luss and Wendy came behind, doing the same thing. When they settled down, Puss-window seat- Luss- Middle- and Wendy inside. The pilot spoke, “Hello, weather in Catclaw is 20 outside, and 15 inside the plane, ask the crew if you need anything. I'm your pilot William White, have a nice flight”