

Friday, 31 August 2012

Finding new places to be!

Hi, today the 31 st of August I (Mia) had Sydney on my finger, and put him on my bed. He started walking about a lot, on the bed and all over me. (my back, head, neck, for-head, knee, leg) And he went on the iPad! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!  And I caught a few pics! Enjoy:

He's a bit camera shy...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Sydney :)

Here is a few pics, and a video! Enjoy!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

"Whats on my shoulder?..."

Heres adorable on my shoulder:                                  



Being cute  ♥

Friday, 24 August 2012

Tweety tweet tweet!

I caught Sydney playing with his toy today! (He done it before though, but its SO CUTE!)

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Some late holiday pictures!

Now, this a lot of pictures... Some are from when I was in London, and the rest in Antibes. The horse that you see below is one of the Queen's horses, Daniel. There is a film of me blowing bubble gum, and me mum and pappa that have changed sunglasses, fish (made of stones) by me and mum, and other stuff. ENJOY!


This is cutie doing agility! (I made the course) Look at him go! Zizou does anything for a treat!!!

Muddy walk...

 Hi! Today me,mum and Mia went for a long muddy walk! Yippi! Heres photos:

Can you see me threw all the straw?

Me after my bath, (In my bee towel)
A video of me in the bath...

Mia just had to take a picture of it!

Me just had to take a picture of me with a piece of paper stuck to my beard! 

Have a closer look at me!

This is a video of me, Sydney :)  Enjoy!  

My birthday

Here is photos from my birthday! P.S thank you for gifts!

This is my cake, (oreo cake)
This me blowing out the candles.

The picture over is macaron, some french  thing.

Gift from Auntie Pamela
 Me opening gift from granny & granda.

Look what is was!

Cute card from Jc
Ben and Jc

And lovely necklace from farmor and farfar.