

Friday, 30 November 2012

Cutie pies..!!

Mum took a picture of Misty & Sydney today, they are adorable!!!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Hi everyone! I thought that you might want some pics of Misty, my new budgie girl!

 I'll put on more pictures, later. Hope you liked them!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Hi everyone! Here's a cute picture of Zizou, I edited the photo with a groovy camera app on the iPad:

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Good news!

Hi everyone! Me and Sydney have decided to buy one more budgie!!!  I thought that Sydney needs a friend, cause its not all ways I have the time to be with him.

I'll buy him around next weekend, and I need help with the name. If you have any suggestions then just write on comments.  ;-)

(I know it may be a bit difficult to find a name, since you haven't seen him before, but maybe it will suit  him...)


Hi! I'm sure that all budgie owners know that budgies are a bit messy...  :-)   Seeds and feathers everywhere, yeah you know. So we got an Orb-it. Its a little hoover, really cute! And it works perfectly for cleaning up all of Sydney's feathers and seeds! Here pics a video:

Zizou's wet walk!

We had a wet walk with Zizou yesterday! He was so cute in his little bee towel!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Drawing of Sydney

A few days ago I drew a picture of Sydney, its really cute!

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Hi  everyone! I saw Zizou sitting in a very weird position yesterday...   Its really cute, heres a pic:

Look at his legs and arms....!!!  ;-)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Our little model

Zizou is our little model, today he modeled my fleece jumper!!!

Sleepy Sunday evening

Hi everyone, Zizou was having a sleepy Sunday evening on mum and pappa's bed last night. I was drying my hair and Zizou was sleeping.

Thursday, 1 November 2012


Hi! Sydney has been striking this pose lately... Here is a picture of me doing it, and you might see what I mean:

Sorry, the bar and toys were in the way, but click to make it larger if you like ;-)

Zizou looking out for ghosts

Zizou was looking out for ghosts last night... (Halloween)