

Monday, 22 March 2010

Story time!

This will sound just a bit crazy but guess what!
Fine I´ll tell you, here it is I am going to tell you a story but I am not got to say what the story called yet!
Ok I will tell you what  the story called, its called "Puss and Luss in danger" the best story I know!
       Ok here it is!
                               "Luss wake up you have to go to scholl" said Puss and Luss is mum.
  "But mum I dont have my make up on yet!" said Luss "The bus is coming" said mum
         "Ago hurry Luss!" said Puss. "One! two, three,four..." "Ok I´am coming!" said Luss.
     Beep! Beep!  said the school bus. Luss went down the stairs and put on her bag and grabbed Puss and said"Come on your going to be late to!" and then they said "good day mum"  and ran to the bus.
            After the long school day they went home on the bus but when they came home the house made now noise now mum came to the door. Luss was quiet   Puss began to cry Luss made her smile, then Puss         looked up at her and said "wheres mummy?" " I dont know Puss" said Luss "we have to look for her!" said Puss and cryed again.  "I know!" said Luss "  " just sit down Puss, I´ll make you some   Turky Flurky soup!"  said Luss "But I dont want any! not until mummy comes!" said Puss upset. "Well what about..."              
       " I said I do not want any thing until mummy comes!" "But.." said Luss. "we will just have to look for her then!"said Luss again.  they walked down the street and said to them selfs " I wish mum is not hurt!"
            "Well what are you two doing here its almost ten a clock" said there friend  mister. Fangky Mcdoo
   "Well we have lost our mum" said Luss. Puss cryed again!
                             then they heard a noise "mum!" they shouted together. "Where were you?" " we were soooo scared we thought  you were gone for ever!" shouted Puss "But mum where were you then?" " its a long story I´ll tell you when we come home!" WHEN THEY WERE HOME!
                                   " So you girls were soooo scared that you were looking for me until it was almost midnight!" " well I had to do it for Puss she did not want to eat!" "Girls I will tell you the story, I went to town to buy some food for dinner and then I was I found out I locked in the shopping senter but in the end they found out I was locked  in the shopping senter  soooo they let me out!" "Well good night mum"
           The end!             by mia

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Cute and Funny Animals!

The cutest animal I know is Zzizou,Scooby, Harry and Zippy!
But me, mum and pappa have bin in lots of towns and the rest But what about the dogs,cats and the rest of every animal in this world! I will not talk much.
But! wait let me see why does it always get so big?
anyway mostly pictures today soooooo!

               See you later!


GO MAD!!!!!!!

I am going mad!
today as every one knows its Saturday!
Mum is gone and me Zizou and pappa and the boys were happy all day long. And now we are all listening to QUEEN!
It drives me mad!
I´ll tell which song were listening to,its Its a kind of magic! 
its scallops time now so I have to get  going! just for now!

           Seven mins its not so long. Now J.C is putting on another album U2!
             I always have pictures on my... wait this is to big, back to normal size! sorry as I was saying I always have pictures on my blog, and one thing I blogged the top half on March the 20th but it was published on 21 of March
   What I was  going to say was Heeeeeres some mad pictures!                                      
                                                 This is not a mad picture but its cute!
pappa making a funny face!
what do you think of this?

Made by Mia!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


With the cutie! walks are always different and!
hard our little cutie is like a angel in the house but outside he turns into a ferit!
I know its hard to think that our little house angel is a complete  ferit outside but life has to go on!
we watch Ceaser too! we do every thing so the walks can be nice.
 I dont know why, but Zizou does not do what we want him to do. So me and mum dont get a very nice walk.
 Any way have you seen the big picture of Zizou?  so the picture are down here!
                                          we have pictures of Zizou when he was tiny too! CUTE!
 me wearing mums hat and new boots and dont forget Zizou!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Spring has not come get!

Still snow still ice! every thing is still her. Today I thought about Spiring, still not here! I cant think about it. how is doing whith you? is it Spring there? well I will love to have your answer on the coments. anyway over here it is still Winter, boring! pappa was away during the weekend! almost all the snow disepeared BUT! it came back on Monday. Soooo! you anwser me then you will not get more snow! But if you dont you will get the upetset. ok? good then we are clear! Anyway I am sorry that I did not write down the rest of What was it again The cutest thing on earth is...  is that ok? fine well I am going to blog almost every day ok! well see you later!  
                                            wait cant go with out pictures here you go!
 Zizou and his girl friend is here and me and Zizou and Zizou alone.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

The cutest thing on earth! is...

ZIZOU! I am going to talk about Zizou! he is soooo! CUTE! at I can explode of Zizou`s cutenes by the way, I am going to ask you! the person who is reading, What is the cutest thing on earth? I wonder! what you are thinking now! the thing that is ticking in my house... let me see Norway,   I have to go now this is going to be continued Wednesday the 10 th 2010 Wait I forgot Febuary

                                    from Mia
                                                  hilsen Mia

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Zizou has grown! but hes still cute!

 My blog has every little thing in my life but one thing is more inportent Zizou!
       our Zizou is growing up do you remember when Zizou was so cute and tiny not small but tiny 
 do you?  Well now he´s much bigger but he´s still cute of course!  and I hope he will stay cute.
        Anyway lets get to the point here! you who is raeding this! do you now what I am going to say now?
 (write what your anwser  on the coments)
                                                                    You will get to see some pictures soon or you can just roll down, anyway!  of how Zizou has changed from his birth to now Febuary the 7th 2010,  while I am bloging I here Zizou chewing on his long bone! at! what time is it I am going to check! 18 20 I cant find the dots  that go in the middle sooooo! lets get on with it, pappas watching football Chelsea and Stoke wait we were talking about Zizou! sorry I woke up at seven something today!  Zizou!  me and mum is baby is growing up. wait! how many times have I said that?  Dog I really have to stop waking up so early! by the way this is for mum "Zizou really mist you so did I" Hey that was only for mum to read!
                                             Anyway for the... let me see the third time today! on the blog!
                                                        HERE ARE THE PICTURES! Talk to you after you have
                                              seen the pictures! 

Zizou and his sister I do not now her name!

                                                                             Zizou around two or three months


Zizou how he is now in my bandana!

     this blog sort of went away  so I began to cry!

        by Mia     To mum love you dont the rest of you read that!