

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


With the cutie! walks are always different and!
hard our little cutie is like a angel in the house but outside he turns into a ferit!
I know its hard to think that our little house angel is a complete  ferit outside but life has to go on!
we watch Ceaser too! we do every thing so the walks can be nice.
 I dont know why, but Zizou does not do what we want him to do. So me and mum dont get a very nice walk.
 Any way have you seen the big picture of Zizou?  so the picture are down here!
                                          we have pictures of Zizou when he was tiny too! CUTE!
 me wearing mums hat and new boots and dont forget Zizou!

1 comment:

Marjory said...

A little ferrit?? Not your cute!!! Zizou. He will get better walking ,just keep up the training.