"Puss,Puss,where are you please dont do this!" "Sorry are looking for someone?" "What, wh, who was that?"said Luss scared. "Its ok, my name is Mario! Do you need help?" " Yes please, wait who did you say you were?" "I said I was Mario!"he said. "Oh, that was what it was, But do you know anything un normal about this book?" asked Luss. "Well yes! I am from that book" said Mario. "Sorry! Did you just say that you are from that book?" "Yes, yes I did! and I think I know where your sister is" said Mario. "Oh ho ho that is brilliant! But how did you know that Puss is MY sister?" said Luss. "Well she told me, and if you want to know more then follow me please" Mario said.
After a while
"Mario where are we?"asked Luss "Well we have bin sucked into this book!"answered Mario. "What do you mean? Wh...what! is Puss in there?" "Yes she is, she is in that big, horrid,yucky castle" "But ...""before you say anything you should meet my friend Luigi! He will take you through that castle and to the boss and you two will defeat the boss and get Puss out of there, you come out back here and I will be waiting, ok?" "ok" Luss agreed.
Will Luss and Luigi come out of the castle? Will they defeat the boss?
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