"Lussy are you a wake?"asked Puss softly. "Now I am!" "I could not get to sleep"said Puss. "Why did you wake up me and not mum?"asked Luss. "Because I cant find her"said Puss. "What do you mean!?" "I meen that she´s not in bed and I cant find her!" "Have you looked downstairs?"asked Luss. "Well n..." "Check downstairs then!"said Luss. DOWNSTAIRS
"Mummy!!!"shouted Puss running upstairs again, and waking up Linda and Luss again. Linda got out of her bed and ran into the two girls room. "What is going on!?"asked Linda watching Puss
breathing in and out as fast as ever. "There is a mummy downstairs!" "Well let me see!"said Linda. "MUMMY!!" shouted Linda and Puss running up the stairs to tell Luss what was happening. "There´s a mummy down stairs!"said Linda. "Let me see!"said Luss getting out of bed. "Thats not a mummy thats mum!"said Luss standing at the bottom of the stairs, as she saw her mother in the kitchen."She´s sleepwalking" " I think we should wake her up!"said Linda. "Carfully" warned Luss. Slowly the three of them krept down the steps and found a glass and filled it up to the top with water, Linda stood behind Wendy while Luss took the glass out of Puss´s hands and poured it over her mother´s head. There was silence and soudenly Wendy landed in Linda´s arms and fell asleep, the three of them had to pull her up the steps and slowly dropped her in bed.
Normaly in the mornings Puss will wake up first around six , and Linda will wake up at eight and say good morning to Puss and make her a cup of tea and some biscets, After that Wendy will wake up and help Linda make brekfast and then Luss will wake up. But this morning did not go like that,It went something like this: Luss woke up and made her self a cup of tea then sat down on the sofa and watched a film called Hungry Dogs that she had with her around 5:49. And then Linda woke up at her normal time along with Puss. But no sign of Wendy. "Linda have you seen mum?" asked Luss. "I´m afraid I have not seen your mother, she must be still in bed"said Linda. "I´ll cheak!"said Puss. "No Puss last time you checked on something you scared everone and pluss you said check wrong!"said Luss walking upstairs. "Mum wake up, breakfast is ready!" "Ok hunny"said Ms.Claws.
The next chapter is coming in a few minuts and chapter seven is going to be the last chapter in this story. So look out for the last chapter of Puss and Luss and the farm trip and a new story coming soon!
! Bye!
Du e så flink Mia! kjempebra! Stå på! Si når jeg kan printe ut historien din! Hilsen pappa
We enjoyed reading your story and look forward to the next one.
Well Done Mia.
G&G xxxxx
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