

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Puss and Luss and the moss...

"LLLLLUUUUSSSSS!!!"shouted Wendy. "Come on! We are going to the art museum today!" "uuurrmmm!!" said,well ggggrrred Luss. "Don´t you remember?!" asked Wendy. "Ok!" Shouted Luss. "I`m coming" Luss said to her self grumpely.Luss put a dark pink T-shirt on along with a furry white vest, and then some dark blue jeans."LUUUUSSS!!!!" shouted Wendy again. "I`m coming mum!!"shouted Luss back. Luss stompted down the steps and sat down at the chair beside the island. (a little table in the middle of the floor) "What would you like for breakfast hunny?" asked Wendy. "Rice Crispys" said Luss in a grupy voice. "Ok then," said Wendy. "What about you Pussy Girl?" (Thats Puss`s "nick name") "Ummm, co co pufs please mummy!?"answered Puss. Wendy turned around and opened a drawer, in that drawer she took out a little box of Rice Crispys, Co Co Pufs and a white plastic bowl (with a lid) that has musli in it. Wendy put the cereals down on the desktop closed the drawer and got some milk out of the fridge. Then she got three bowls out of the cupboard and poured the milk in them and then cereal. "Thanks mum"said Puss  and Luss at the same time. "Your welcome girls!"said Wendy and sat down at the island as well. A few minutes later Wendy said: " Why don`t you get dressed Puss? Hhhmmm"said Wendy putting the empty cereal bowls in the dishwasher. "Sure mummy!" said Puss. "Luss can you help me please?" asked Puss stopping right in the middle of the stairs. Wendy looked at Luss with this look, Luss always knows what that look means: "Fine Puss I`m coming!"said Luss.

After a while every one was ready too go to the art meseum. "Jump in girls!!" shouted Wendy from outside,sitting in the car, beeping the horn.While the girls where inside ready too get outside, lock the door and jump into the car!  After a few minutes Wendy had to stop at a red light. Every thing, and Puss and Luss where silent, so Wendy put the radio on. "Wow thanks mum!" said Luss. "This is my favorite song!" They were listening too: ABBA Money money money! Luss began too sing along. So as the younger sister Puss wanted too sing along too. "Puss! You are disturbing me, you don`t even know the words! So that turns the song into a big rattle!!!"said Luss. Puss was silent, she dons`ent cry very easely. She under stands when Luss is in a bad mood there is no reason too sulk.Wendy turned of the radio, "Why are you so grumpy today Lussy?" asked Wendy. "I got a A on my test on St.Cathill"Luss said sadly. "Well thats nothing too be sad about Luss, I know that ever since you started getting A B C Grades at school you have gotten A+ + + + + + . Six plusses now that is alot!"said Wendy. "But mum, I was at the cabin trip with Lavender, thats why you and Puss could`nt take me too the museum of natural history!"said Luss. Luss looked at her mother`s head at the seat in front of her and expected an answer, But Luss new that her mother was busy looking at the road and the car in front of her. "You are the best sister in Scotmeow Lussy,"said Puss after a while. "You see Luss it is not just school you should get a A+ + + + + + in, because you have little sister that wants too be just like you, and lookes up to YOU!!!!!"said Wendy turning into the right where the meseum is. "Wow thanks you two!!" said Luss.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

The museum parking place is an old and dirty place,there is about room for ten car`s but there is only six spaces. There is a road that is very long right beside the museum, and if you go there you will end up at the King and Queen`s Palace! But beside that long road there is a Garden of the museum, it is only open in the summer, but no one really knows why. Along the long road, the only thing you can see is grass and flowers, mostly pink,red,orange and peach roses! But back to the parking place: there are old and scary statues, they are covered in moss so no one NO ONE knows what they are. Only the people that lived there hundred years ago know what is under that moss, now you might think: Why don`t they just well, take of all of the moss? But there is one thing behind that too...:

It was 1910 and a beutiful morning, there was a man called Mr.Lungsbert that saw the moss and wanted too take it of, so he shouted to his wife: "Rosie dear, I`m going outside!!!" "Ok" she shouted back. So Lungsbert took some moss of and... There was a shout and a screem! and he disapeared! Every one in Mibly Vilage knows that story...

Back too the real life :
                                         "Mum"said Luss. "This museum gives me the freeks!" "Well, every thing is okay now just don`t touch the moss" answered Wendy. "I know mum!"said Luss.          INSIDE    

                                 "Well hello there my young children!"said the woman (cat) behind the desk. "Hello and good morning Mrs. Tulip Lungsbert. (She is the dater of Rosie Lungsbert) The museum is quite old, so it has old history and lots of old art, skeletons, dinosaurs, books and a gift shop. "What are you three here to see?"asked Tulip. "Umm, we just want to look around Tulip,"said Luss."There is nothing speacial we nead to see so thanks!" said Luss. The Claw`s walked into a little room where you could hang your jacket or coats. After that they decided to into the first room: Art !
"Wow this room is lovely!"said Luss. "Just like always!" said Puss. You see, Puss and Luss normaly come to the museum if there is any speacial thing Luss has to study. They are the most known costermers. They come there every Saturday or even sometimes in there holdays! (Now it is the winter holday for Puss and Luss!) "They walked into the next room: Skeletons... "Aaaaaaa!!!!!!!" shouted Puss.

That was normal of Puss to do, so the Mrs. Lungsbert was used to it, so is Luss and Wendy. "Its okay Puss!"said Luss.( Puss always is behind Wendy and Luss) Puss will normaly stop screeming and come running up to Wendy but today she did`ent... So Luss turned around, "Mum she`s not there!!!!!" Shouted Luss..... "Oh No!!!!!!!"said Wendy turning aroud too.! The high heels that was Wendy`s and Luss`s, went klipp klopp down to the ground floor  were Mrs. Lungsbert was. "Mrs Lungsbert!" said Luss pehing. "Puss is missing, and no we were not playing hide and seek! But you know after that screem? She disapeared after that!!" said Luss finishing her sentace.


Marjory said...

Very good Mia. Granda and Granny enjoyed reading your story.
See you soon.

Marjory said...

Very good Mia. We enjoyed reading your story.
G&G xxx