Puss was still screaming so the bluebirds burst. Wendy was still laying there, thinking about how here daughter hade come stomping in her room and shouted loudly. She turned around, and looked at the time, Wendy's eyes got huge of surprise. It was ten o'clock! What a shock! No wonder Puss was already up! Puss came running up the stairs, and stopped right infront of her mum's room. Puss through the tickets up in the air. They floated down on the ground like orange leaves in autum. Wendy heard her daughter and slowly flopped over to the other side of the bed towords the door. "You saw the tickets huh?" Puss's eyes grew bigger and bigger, she noded fast and madly. "Pick up the tickets then" Puss bended so far that she fell. A ticket hade slid down the steps, of course Puss ran down the carpet steps to get it. Puss was finished and ran back up again, straidend her back and said: "DONE!" Wendy sighed, got up and streched. And snapped the tickets out of Puss's hands. Wendy's face was grumpy and a bit snappy. "Those tickets we're supposed to be a suprise!" Wendy stomped back into bed. Puss's face began to crumble and a tear ran down her cheak. Luss woke cause of Puss's crying, Luss sat up in her bed and pushed away a bit of her duvay. (So there would be room for Puss) "Oh, Puss come!" Puss stood infront of Luss's open door and sniffed. "Mummy shouted at Puss" Luss ran to Puss, and lifted her up. "Come, we'll go and eat some breakfast." Puss sniffed again and rubbed her face against Luss's shoulder. Luss stroked Puss and sighed. "Mummy is just in a bad mood, thats all!" Puss smiled and pointed at her cearial. "I forgot to eat" Luss laghed and put Puss down. "Well go and eat then!" Puss wiggeled her feet befor they touched the ground and ran to the table. Luss poured some milk into Puss's bowl and smiled. "So, what made you scream?" Puss began to tell the story, Luss rolled her eyes and put her elbows on the table and listened. Puss was still talking while Luss was streching to reach a bowl from the shelf. Puss was finished talking and stuffed her mouth with food. "And then mummy shouted" Luss turned around and yawned. "What?" Puss smiled, "Never mind sissy" The girls where munching so loudly that they didn't hear their mother coming down the stairs. Wendy put her finger against her mouth to tell Luss to not say anything. Luss noded. "What where you noding at Lussy?" Puss looked at Luss hopefully. There was a little knirk that made Puss turn around and look at her mother. "Mummy, don't shout at me again, it was terrible!" Wendy smiled, lifted Puss up in the air and twirrled around. "I wouldn't do if I hade to." Puss smiled back, "But. when are we going to Cat Claw mummy?" Wendy twiched her nose and grinned. "Well, maybe, tomorrow?.." Luss laughed, Puss hade eger eyes and snapped. "Can we? pleeeaaase?" Wendy giggled, "Sure, I was just joking a bit!" "Girls go upstairs and get ready. Were gonna go on a trip to Cat claw!"
1 comment:
Hi Mia, Good story I enjoy reading them.
Love Granny xxx
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