

Saturday, 21 July 2012


Hi! Its me Zizou again. I'm so sorry that I and Mia haven't been blogging these weeks, because its been so much to do, since its holidays and all you know. But we have some cool pics for you on woof! pictures this time too!!! Well what has been happening at the flat the 2 weeks we've been here, is just hot,hot,hot and swim,swim,swim. And granny & granda and Ben were here the first week! That was fun, I got extra cuddles ;) thanks. And then Mia was with Amalie her Danish friend all the time, but now she's left. And more tummy rubbing that is for me!!!  Well, not much else has been going on. I've gone on hot morning & afternoon walks. And short cool bed-time walks. All though the 21 of July, the day Mia posted this, well, post, I was left alone in the flat while the rest were out swimming, I smelled something "delish", so I tried to find out where this "delish" smell was coming from, and it was from Mia's backpack. So since nobody was around I was dying to get the yummy thing out of there. When I took it out, it turned out to be a half-eaten blueberry muffin from 2 weeks ago on the plane to the flat. So I ate it. So, when the people came home, Mia went into her bedroom and there was tissue paper-bits lying on the floor, and the plastic the muffin was wrapped in. They laughed and found out that I hade eaten the muffin.  So I THOUGHT that I was safe there, but then Mum said that "Zizou's gonna get fat now!" And Mia answered. "Yeah, maybe we shouldn't give him more treats or human-food in a while." And then it was agreed, no more snacking for me! Then I understood what a mess I had gotten into.  And now I wish that I had not eaten that stupid blueberry-muffin! Well, we'll try and remember to post a woof! next week too! See ya!

P.S check out Woof! Pictures too!

1 comment:

Marjory said...

oh oh bet zizou enjoyed that treat.