

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Hi! I'm sure that all budgie owners know that budgies are a bit messy...  :-)   Seeds and feathers everywhere, yeah you know. So we got an Orb-it. Its a little hoover, really cute! And it works perfectly for cleaning up all of Sydney's feathers and seeds! Here pics a video:


Bika said...

Haha that's perfect! I've got four messy budgies here, so I've been cleaning the floor for about half an hour today :p can you remember in which store you got the Orb-it?

Marjory said...

Thats a great wee hoover. Even more mess with two budgies but you will manage.
G&G xx

Elaine, Jarle and Mia said...

Well we bought it in a norwegian store, but we found it on amazon too, it also comes in different colors. So you can choose. Its really good!

Mia & Sydney ;-)