

Sunday, 21 March 2010

GO MAD!!!!!!!

I am going mad!
today as every one knows its Saturday!
Mum is gone and me Zizou and pappa and the boys were happy all day long. And now we are all listening to QUEEN!
It drives me mad!
I´ll tell which song were listening to,its Its a kind of magic! 
its scallops time now so I have to get  going! just for now!

           Seven mins its not so long. Now J.C is putting on another album U2!
             I always have pictures on my... wait this is to big, back to normal size! sorry as I was saying I always have pictures on my blog, and one thing I blogged the top half on March the 20th but it was published on 21 of March
   What I was  going to say was Heeeeeres some mad pictures!                                      
                                                 This is not a mad picture but its cute!
pappa making a funny face!
what do you think of this?

Made by Mia!

1 comment:

Marjory said...

Hi Mia,
Scary picture of Papa but the one of the sea is lovely.
Hope you are doing fine.
Granny & Granda xxxxx