

Monday, 22 March 2010

Story time!

This will sound just a bit crazy but guess what!
Fine I´ll tell you, here it is I am going to tell you a story but I am not got to say what the story called yet!
Ok I will tell you what  the story called, its called "Puss and Luss in danger" the best story I know!
       Ok here it is!
                               "Luss wake up you have to go to scholl" said Puss and Luss is mum.
  "But mum I dont have my make up on yet!" said Luss "The bus is coming" said mum
         "Ago hurry Luss!" said Puss. "One! two, three,four..." "Ok I´am coming!" said Luss.
     Beep! Beep!  said the school bus. Luss went down the stairs and put on her bag and grabbed Puss and said"Come on your going to be late to!" and then they said "good day mum"  and ran to the bus.
            After the long school day they went home on the bus but when they came home the house made now noise now mum came to the door. Luss was quiet   Puss began to cry Luss made her smile, then Puss         looked up at her and said "wheres mummy?" " I dont know Puss" said Luss "we have to look for her!" said Puss and cryed again.  "I know!" said Luss "  " just sit down Puss, I´ll make you some   Turky Flurky soup!"  said Luss "But I dont want any! not until mummy comes!" said Puss upset. "Well what about..."              
       " I said I do not want any thing until mummy comes!" "But.." said Luss. "we will just have to look for her then!"said Luss again.  they walked down the street and said to them selfs " I wish mum is not hurt!"
            "Well what are you two doing here its almost ten a clock" said there friend  mister. Fangky Mcdoo
   "Well we have lost our mum" said Luss. Puss cryed again!
                             then they heard a noise "mum!" they shouted together. "Where were you?" " we were soooo scared we thought  you were gone for ever!" shouted Puss "But mum where were you then?" " its a long story I´ll tell you when we come home!" WHEN THEY WERE HOME!
                                   " So you girls were soooo scared that you were looking for me until it was almost midnight!" " well I had to do it for Puss she did not want to eat!" "Girls I will tell you the story, I went to town to buy some food for dinner and then I was I found out I locked in the shopping senter but in the end they found out I was locked  in the shopping senter  soooo they let me out!" "Well good night mum"
           The end!             by mia


Marjory said...

Hi Mia,
I enjoyed your story very much.
You are so clever.
Look forward to some more stories.
Granny xxx

Elaine, Jarle and Mia said...

Cute story! Love from Mum xxx