

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Puss and Luss and the book!

"Aaaa" screamed Puss "Ago turn the t.v. of!" "Aaaa someone turn it ago of!" "Ok drama Queen!"said Luss. "the t.v. is of, what where you watching? That made you scream! And by the way why where you down here?Its seven! In the MORNING! "I am ago a early bird! And a was watching Hungry Dog!"said Puss. "What! That is my DVD" " Well ago you are a deep sleeper"said Puss. "This is ONLY for people over ten and you are hardly three!"said Luss. "I wanted to be like ago you!" "Well if you want to be like me then you should be albe to read! Because I am going to the librery tomorow and if you want to be like me then you have to be with me, ok?"said Luss. "Ago, OK!"shouted Puss.
                                              Next day
"Ok Puss you know how to read so check out a book!"said Luss to Puss. 
                           After a while.
"Puss found a book!" "Oh, what is it about?"asked Luss. "Its called Mario the great!"
"Well I found a much better book then that!"said Luss. "Do you know what its called?"said Luss. "Puss,Puss where are you...?

             Where is Puss? Is Luss going to find her?
              Dan,Dan, DAAAA!


Marjory said...

Very good Mia, keep writing we look forward to the next one.
G&G xx

Anonymous said...

Gosh Mia, you are good! Wilhelm and I are liking your story!! Lotta & W