

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Puss and Luss and the sea of Catclaw (5)

             Puss and Luss and the sea of Catclaw (5)

Puss jumped up in her seat, she had no idea what the pilot was going to say. She got a sudden shiver, and got new thoughts in her head. 'What if the man is on, this plane... what if he has a type of bomb in the cardboard box he had, what if..' Puss couldn't continue her thinking, cause the pilot's quiet voice, interrupted her. “Dear crew and passengers, I have some bad news, I'm afraid you'll get angry, but,” Puss knew it, something was wrong with the plane.

The pilot's shaking voice came back, “We don't have any more, peanuts left.” Puss got a big shock. 'No peanuts? Really?' “I'm really sorry everyone, I was really scared to tell you all about the peanut crises.” The pilot added. Luss and Wendy were shocked too. But for a different reason then Puss, “No peanuts! Whats wrong with this place?!” Grumped Wendy, Luss was sitting beside her mum nodding, she was thinking the same thing. A fat man on the right hand side of Wendy, was talking to his mates with disappointment. “No peanuts, whats going on these days?” Puss heard him say.

Luss and Wendy were still discussing the peanut “crises” Meanwhile, Puss was wondering about how much of the boring flight was left, she decided to ask. “Mummy?” Wendy stopped talking and looked at Puss, “What is it honey bee?” Puss starred into her mum's brown eyes and said. “How much is there left of the flight?”

Wendy bended over and searched in her handbag. Luss rolled her eyes, and checked her watch and answered Puss while her mum was still looking. “20 minutes Pussy,” Puss nodded, and starred out the window again, with a sigh of relief. She was quite glad that the plane didn't crash, or blew up. But there was still something bugging her, but she didn't know what. She put the tip of her right foot, and touched the heel of her left foot to get the shoe off. She did the same with her other foot. Puss lifted her feat up on the leather seat and sat on her heels. The two ladies with the trollies were coming around giving everyone snacks and drinks. Puss turned around and asked for a cola and a cookie. The lady nodded and handed the snacks to Puss. It started to get really noisy in the plane, babies crying, high music from bored teenagers, and lots of talking about teacups and such silly things from old ladies.

But the pilot saved Puss from all the noise, he began to speak, and everyone froze. “We are ready for landing, cabin-crew, take your seats. I hope you all had a nice flight with us. Let the rest of your day be good” The plane swopped down towards the ground. One bounce, and the rest of it, was like driving on a motor way. The pilot slowed down of course, and everyone was patiently holding on to there seat belts, while the plane was standing still. The pilot turned off the seatbelt button, and all you heard was nokia tunes, and clicking from people opening their seat belts. Everyone was in a rush, getting things out from the overhead compartments. After that, standing in the queue. Luss and Puss decided to wait, in the mean time, Wendy was doing the same as any other despret person. Unpacking all of the stuff. The doors finally opened, everyone rushing out. Thats all you could see. “Mummy?” Puss tried to get eye contact with her mother on her way out. Wendy did her usual thing, ignoring Puss. “Not now Pussy” Wendy walked hand in hand with Luss, and Luss walked hand in hand with Puss. They walked quickly through all the people, searched for toilets and laugage, Puss went to the toilet. She looked at the two doors, they both said man and lady, but in a foran languge. Puss thought that the one with less queue, would be the ladies. She walked into the room, found a toilet box, and sat down to pee. When she came out again, men were standing waiting, for their turn. She looked at them, and sighed, I took the wrong queue again, why???
Embarressing!!! Puss quietly walked over to the sink, and washed her hands with soap and warmish water. The man in the front of the queue went into the toilet “room”. He came running out again, shocked, and white in the face...

1 comment:

Marjory said...

Can't wait for the story to continue.Its getting very exciting.
Well done Mia.
G. xxx