

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Puss and Luss and the sea of Catclaw (6)

Puss and Luss and the sea of Catclaw (6)

Puss stared at the man, what was it? Did she leave the toilet stinky? The man stared at the queue, his face was still white. He stared at Puss. “There, there,the-” An arm pulled the man back into the toilet “room/box”. Puss screamed, she had no idea what was going on. She had just been in there, and, nothing seemed wrong. And then the man, came running out. And pulled back in again. Puss heard a whisper. “Puss,puss!” Maybe it was the man, maybe he was dead, and, and! “Puss!” Puss opened her eyes, she wasn't dead. Luss was staring at Puss from her plane seat. “We've landed, everyone waiting for you to get out of the plane!” Puss jumped up, but she couldn't stand. Oh, she had her seatbelt on. “Oh Puss? Can you do my makeup tomorrow morning?” Puss sighed and nodded, as if she didn't care. But in side, she was really looking forward to all the people staring and giggling at Luss in town the next day. Puss sighed, her dream just didn't make any sence! A man that was white in the face, and a toilet. She expected that she should wait until they came to the hotel to pee. The bags arrived. They got them, walked out, and looked for a taxi. Wendy searched for one, she shouted out, and no one understood. All though, a man understood, he had black skin, and short brown hair. He spoke to them, “Hi, I have plenty of space in my car, want to come in?” Wendy nodded, “Better then being out side, I think it may rain...” The man got out of the car, “My name is No no. I got sent from your hotel 'Hotel Millybay' I'll be your assistent for your holiday, 3 weeks, a long we have to get to know together!” Luss and Puss looked at each other, “Yes, a long time to spend with you No no” said Luss. Wendy smiled, “Now, lets get our stuff in the car.” No no nodded, he put the bags and such in the back of the car. Wendy sat in the front, and the girls in the backseats. After a few minuets, the sky got gray. No no looked scared. Wendy turned around towards No no, and noticed his fear. “Why in the world are you scared No no?” No no gulped, “Its the thunder and the lightning, and the rain” Luss seamed to have heard her mum and No no, cause she started to speak. “Why No no, are you scared of thunder and lightning?” No no spinned the wheel, “ Theres a story, that every one in Catclaw know.” “Tell us then” said Puss:

A long time ago, Pirate Catclaw, that ruled the town, treated the town badly. After 10 years of bad treatment, a man called Bruce Canalope, stood up to Catclaw. The pirate didn't want a little man standing up to him. But the town wanted a vote, either Bruce wins and Catclaw leaves forever. Or Catclaw wins, and he kills Bruce. The town wanted Catclaw to go. So Bruce won, when Catclaw was on his way to leave, he said something. “After I've left, when ever thunder and lightning arrives. Those that aren't in their comes, will die.” Then he left, with a small grin on his face.

Luss rolled her eyes, “Do you really belive in that No no?” He nodded, the speed limmit was 40 but he went up in 100, he wouldn't get caught, cause everyone was in side, even the police. And it is normal for people to do that when the thunder arrives. No one wants to get caught by Catclaw. The car's wheels slid against the wet cold ground. They slid only on the pavement. And back on the road. No no looked at the time, he had to drive to his house, because it would take 20 minuets to the hotel, but only 3 to his house. He didn't tell the girls, because he really had to keep focus. He drove into his front garden. Parked the car, and opened the doors, got everyone out and the bags, opened the door and locked the car and front door. The girls were surprised looking. “This isn't the hotel! Where are we No no?” Thunder came, and a little light, that must have been lightning, rain came flooding down, “You don't belive the Catclaw story do you?” Puss,Luss and Wendy shook their heads. No no sighed. He told them with his hand that they had to come to his bed room. They followed him upstairs, and they looked out the window, No no pointed towards the left hand side of the window, they saw a man. Suddenly, there apeared a knife out of the air that cut his head off. Then he disapeared. They stared at No no. “Okay, we belive you.” said Luss. “But you have to tell us where in the world we are!” No no took the girls downstairs and gave them some hot chocolate.
And told them about what was going on, and where they where, but, in the corner in Puss's eye, she saw a shadow in the window..

1 comment:

Marjory said...

Hi Mia, This story is getting scary,can't wait for the next chapter.
Granny xxx