

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Varonda II

Hi everyone! Do you remember the Varonda stories I have written earlier? Well, I've writing a Varonda II !!!
Here is the first chapter:

Chapter l Mrs. PeppermenIt was cold outside, the wind was howling, and a slight draught went through the crack in Varonda's door and into the living room. There was a power cut in the village where Varonda lived, so everyones' houses were cold and dark. Varonda was sitting in her living room on this cold winter morning drinking her tea in peace. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Probably another neighbour asking for sugar or flour.” thought Varonda. She got up and walked to the door reluctantly. There was another knock on the door. “Coming!” shouted Varonda running to the door. “Good Morning Mrs. Peppermen” said Varonda greeting her neighbour as happily as she could on this terrible day. “Oh, good morning Varonda darling. May I borrow some sugar? I need to make a birthday cake for my grandson, and I'm completely out of sugar.” said the elderly next-door neighbor Mrs. Peppermen in a slight shaking but kind voice. Varonda smiled. “Sure just come inside, and I'll get some for you.” she said.

Varonda closed the door behind the woman and led her to the chair in the kitchen. “Please sit down Mrs. Peppermen.” said Varonda. Mrs. Peppermen sat. Varonda walked to the drawers searching for the sugar. “So, when's his birthday?” asked Varonda. Mrs. Pepperman looked puzzled. “Who?” Varonda turned around. “Oh, sorry, I meant your grandson. When's his birthday?” Mrs. Peppermen answered: “Next Friday. And I need about 200 grams thank you” “Two hundred? I'm afraid I only have one hundred. Sorry.” said Varonda depressed. “Thats fine darling, I'll just pop into Mrs. Brown's house then.” said Mrs. Pepperman.
After Mrs. Peppermen left, Varonda was thinking that, since she was out of sugar, maybe she was out of other things too. So Varonda went to check her fridge and cupboards and drawers. She ended up to be out of a lot, milk and butter, biscuits and crackers, cheese and ham. It seemed like Varonda needed to go to the shops. She stretched and put her jacket and shoes on. And took her keys with her too. She closed the door and got into her car. She drove though a green wave of traffic lights, and got the parking space closest to the entrance. It was Varonda's lucky day! Even the items she needed were all on half price!
When Varonda came home again and had unpacked all the items, she sat down thinking. Thinking about the most amazing thing that had ever happened to her. The day she met Kim and entered Mars, and found out what magical powers she really had. And she wondered: “Will Kim ever come back for me? Will I ever see her and the others again? Whats happening right now up there on Mars? Why couldn't I stay?” The evening came, the sky got dark. And Varonda was still thinking. During her dinner she was still thinking, and in bed she was still thinking. “Why?” she thought in bed. She heard something. It wasn't from outside, neither from a neighbouring house. It was from downstairs. As if someone was down there. Then, Varonda heard footsteps coming up the steps, thump, thump, louder and louder, closer and closer and suddenly a voice that said.........

1 comment:

Marjory said...

Brilliant story hope the next chapter is soon.
G&G xx