

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Four!)

"Why did the ghost paint the hole farm pink!?"asked Luss standing with her mouth open in shock. "Well... I dont know!!"said Linda stomping back into her pink house!  "Mum why is Linda´s farm pink!?" "I really dont know Luss come on lets go inside and help Linda with brekfast shal we?"said Ms. Claws = Wendy.   IN THE KITCHEN!  "Ok then what do we want for brekfast?!"asked Linda pretending like nothing happend. "Linda, why dont you leave it to me and mum?"said Luss. "Oh Luss your right!"said Linda with a sigh.  BREKFAST! 
          "Linda dont you want to paint the farm back to its normal coler?"asked Luss. "Maybe"said Linda. "What do you mean by maybe?"asked Luss. "I´m not sure if there is any of the old painting left or not"said Linda. "Why don´t you buy new!?"asked Puss.  "Yey, why don´t you buy some new painting!?"asked Luss. "Well, the coler I had befor is history!"said Linda sad.  "Well, then you could just chose a diffrent colur!" "Luss I can´t  that colur has been in the family for years!" "There is noway I can change it!"said Linda.  "Well then we have got a problem!"said Luss. "I know! either my farm should just stay pink or I´ll have to buy another from the market!"said Linda resting her head on her hand.  "Is there a market in town?!"asked Luss. "Well yes, thats where my great,great,great,great,great,great,great, great,great and great granny and grandad got the old painting from!"said Linda. "You said that you looked in every SUPER market!"said Puss. "So that means that they´ll still have your old colur!"said Luss. "And that means that my farm won´t have to be pink!!!!"said Linda.  "Come on we have to get dressed Wendy!!"said Linda. 

            Wait for chapter five!!!!         "Yippy  my farm does not have to be pink !!!!!"said Linda again!

Monday, 16 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Three!)

12:00 AM"Lussy!"said Puss.  "It was not my foult!!"said Luss thinking that she was still in here dream! "Sissi you have to wake up!"said Puss again.  "Ok then, what is it Puss?"asked Luss turing her head to look at Puss with sleepy eyes. "I cant get to sleep!"said Puss. "Well at least try to get to sleep!!"said Luss. "Ok!"said Puss putting her head back on the pillow.  3:00 AM! "Luss,sissi wake up!" "What is it now?!"asked Luss angry. "I´m thirsty!"said Puss. "Shall I get you some water maybe?"said Luss. "That will be greaty!"said Puss. AFTER A WHILEY! "Here you go Puss, any thing else?!"asked Luss looking at Puss angry and wanting her sisters answer to be NO! "No Puss does not need any thing else and..." Befor Puss had a chance to  finish her sentence Luss had already fallen a sleep! "...thank you sissi"said Puss falling to sleep her self.
                          ! IN THE MORNING!
"Oh good morning Luss!" said Linda taking a sip of her tea.  "Good morning darling!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws . "Good morning sissi!!"said Puss. "How did you sleep?"asked Linda. "Not very well!"said Luss sitting down on the chair. "Puss woke me up twice yesturday!" "First she did not get to sleep and second she woke me up because she was thirsty!"said Luss. "Puss is sorry"said Puss looking down at the floor sadly. "Its ok Puss" "Now what tea do you want Luss?"asked Linda. "How many kinds of tea do you have Linda?"asked Luss getting the blanket from the sofa and sitting down on her chair. "Are you cold Luss?!"asked Linda. "No, no I´m just a bit..." "cold!"said Puss. "I guess your right Puss"said Luss with a sigh. "You may have a cold Luss"said Linda.  "Yey I guess your right to!"said Luss.  "That means extra hot tea today Luss and you are aloud to sit on the sofa and watch some t.v.  if you like"said Linda pouring hot water in the mug. "Sissi I can go up stairs and get your duvet if you want that to!"said Puss making a smile on her sister´s face!  "Luss what type of tea do you want?!"said Linda spredding some butter on the pice of bread she was holding. "Oh I have never had such a big chose of tea since we went to the royal family!" "Well chose one quickly  your water is getting cold!" "Ok then, oh can I have the green tea lemon please!"said Luss rapping her self up even tighter in the blanket.  AFTER A WHILE!
   "Thanks Linda!"said Luss looking up at Linda from the sofa.    "Luss how is it going!"asked Puss. "I´m fine Puss, you can go out and play!"said Luss. "But its raining!"said Puss. "Luss I me and your mum has found out why your so cold!"said Linda walking up to the sofa. "Well then!" "There was a gost  that came into your room last night and had given you the Wiskercope!!!!!!"said Linda. "How do you know that?" " Your mum found a little type of a stick or something like that in your the bed so she took it to me and I had seen it befor so I new what it was, and I told her that there  was  something called the chimster gost  that  flys around and sticks the stick in your arm and the next thing you know is that you have Wiskercope!"said Linda sad. "So you mean I can die!!?"asked Luss. "No hunny Wiskercope is just a type of cold!"said Ms.Claws.  "What do you mean by a type of cold?"asked Luss.  "It means that you just sneeze and cough a bit more then normal, its not very bad hunny its just well, normal!"  "Well thats a releaf!" said Luss. "But why did the ghost come to a farm why not a diffrent place?" "Well  we have been having quite a lot of luck these years because you see, the ghost takes turns going to each house giving one of those people a cold until he has done the hole of Scotmeow!"said Linda. "So it will by over soon?!"asked Luss. "Yes it will be over by tomorow!"said Linda. "Well that good news!!"said Puss. "Not really because there is going to be some bad new soon over the night!"said Linda. "He won´t give any one else Wiskercope will he?!!"asked Luss. "No! no Luss, its just that, after he gives the last person in Scotmeow wisker cope he does a nother bad but not to the person..."  NEXT MORNING!
  "....But to the house!!!! Wendy,Puss,Luss come here!!"shouted Linda standing in her pajamases beside the open door. "Oh my Dog!!"said Wendy. "What is the problem Lin..." asked Luss. "... da!"said Puss coming runnng! "The hole farm has turned PINK!!!!!!"said Linda.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Two!)

"Wow! its still raining!"said Puss. "Puss, it jut started to rain!"said Luss looking at Puss. "Well what do you to want?"asked Linda. "What do you mean by, what do we want?"said Luss puzzeled. "What do you want to have for tea!" "What is on the menu!?"asked Luss letting out a giggel! "Well, you can have any thing that is meat,eggs,cheese,fruit and vegtable!" "Oh! that is a lot to chose from! what do you want Puss?"said Ms. Claws taking a step out of the kitchen. "Well, I want fish on toast with a cheesey cream soup please!"sad Luss hopping that here dinner will come true! "Well of coures I can make that! is that are right with you Puss? that we have that for todays dinner"asked Linda smiling at Puss and waiting for her answer. "Yep,yep and yep! that is Puss favorite dinner!"said Puss jumping up and down on the sofa! "Well it  looks like the kids like it here!"said Linda walking back into the kitchen and then taking the pan out of the cuberd. "Well they manege to make them sefl feel at home quite quickly!" said Ms. Claws. "Why do you think they are like that Wendy?"asked Linda. "Well they have been to castles,resturants, and to Italy!"said Wendy trying to find a fish in the frige.  "Wendy the fish is not there!"said Linda walking towords the door that led to... "Here is my inside pound of fish!" "Oh thats quite..."said Ms. Claws

"Cute!  I did not know that you had an inside pound of fish!"said Luss.
   "Come over here girls! because its time to dig in!"
    Watch out for the next chapter!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip!

"Mum remind me why we are going to a farm?"asked Luss looking out the car window.
"Well hunny, as you know its spring holday so me and Puss wanted to stay at a farm!"
"Yes I know that! but we cant just come in a random farm and say that we are going to stay there for, well I dont know how long but..."said Luss.

"Hunny"said Ms.Claws."yep!?"said Luss. "You do remember Linda?"asked Ms.Claws. "You mean Linda Rose Paw?"said Luss looking a her mother and then at the clouds. "Yes Luss! I´m so glad that you remember  my child hood friend!"said Ms.Claws petting Luss´s head while there was a red light on the go!
   "Who is Lindy Rosey Paw paw?"asked Puss. "Well Linda is an old friend of mummy´s, you have never seen her befor Puss!"said Ms.Claws. "Mum why do we have to drive dad´s old car?"asked Luss. "Well its more of a far..." "We are there!"shouted Puss. "...y!"said Ms.Claws. "Ohh! come here Wendy!!!!!!!!"shouted Linda. "Oh! you have grroowwnn!"said Wendy=Ms.Claws."Linda! Rose! Paw! is that really you?!"asked Luss walking up to Linda smiling and taking Puss´s and her own suit case.
    "Luss is that you? because the last time I saw you then you where a baby and your mother needed help giving you a name!" "Was that where my name came from?"asked Luss. "Yes I know! I needed to stay up all night just to name you!" "Oh I never knew that!"said Luss running to Linda and giving her a hug.
  "Hey! what about me?!"asked Puss sitting in the car having her arms croosed!
       "Wendy! I did not know that you had another little girl!"said Linda  looking at Wendy. "What is her name?"asked Linda. "Well her name is Puss!"said Ms.Claws. Just as they got Puss,the suit cases and locked the car... it began to rain! "Oh quick inside!"said Linda running into the farm house!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Puss and Luss meet the royal family (Last part!)

"Oh! Darlings you look so beutiful and grown up!"said Ms.Claws. "Your mother is right!"said Shela the Queen. "You are the best looking cats in the hole of Mibley!"said Meowwin the King. "Thank you  Shela!"said Luss. "Thank Meowwin!"said Puss. "Oh come here you two!"said Shela pushing her chair away from the table and waiting for Puss and Luss to come running to her!  "Shela can go around in these clothes for, well the rest of the day?"asked Puss sitting on Shela`s lap."Well of coures you can!"answered Shela. "But.." she said stopping Puss and Luss from running all the way out of the castle. "You have to stay cute!" "We`ll try Shela and thanks to!" said Luss running out of the castle door.
      OUT SIDE!
 "Puss did you here that?"asked Luss looking into the bushes. "No Puss did not here any..." "Thing! Ha,ha,ha! you should have seen your faces you looked so scared! that was a good one  John!"said John talking to him self and to the two girls. "John you are the servent around here! Why are you sneaking around  in the bushes for?"said Luss. If you remember the first chapter John was the servent and he was a bit well crazy then and then he was not in any of the other chapters so what has he bin up to? "You also have big black clothes and huge bag!"said Puss pointing at John. "Thats right you  do have all those things that Puss said you had! what have you been up to? and we have not seen you latley so that meens that you have probely been out sneaking and maybe even steeling! thats whats in your bag! I knew it, all the stuff that you have right there is not youres! and why were you not there to save me and Puss from that gost?"said Luss putting her foot down to John. "Well Luss this is..."said John. "YOU WERE THE GOST!!!!!!!!" said Puss and Luss toghether. "Gards!"shouted Puss.  the gards came running as fast as they can and..."Take him!"said Luss pointing at John and turning her head away as like she did not want to see John ever again! "Oh no something is happening outside!"said Shela. Finely the grown ups came out of the castle! "Oh John! what has he done?"asked Shela shouting woired from the top of the steps. "Well he is the one who was the gost look can´t you see? He has black boots,jacket, t-shirt,jeens and hat! Me and Puss found out that he has been sneaking around steeling things and how we worked out that he is the gost is because he was not there to save me, and the last sound I had stuck in my head! was John" said Luss finishing of here sentens quietly. "I´am so sorry Shela, I really am!"said Luss watching a tear trickel down the Queens cheak slowly. "Its ok girls you saved all of us here in the castle, I should be thanking you two is sted of making you feel gilty!"said Shela letting here tear dry away. "Its ok Shela we know you liked having John around so much"said Puss giving the Queen a hug. "You two can viset every holday and weekend if you like!"said Meowwin putting his arm around his wife! = Shela! "Can they?!"asked Shela looking up at Meowwin and then at Puss and Luss! "Yes they can!" "YYYYYEEEEESSSSS  oh yey oh yey yippy!"said the two girls dancing about!

   THE END! 
  "yippy oh yey oh yey yippy!"said Ms.Claws joining her dahters and the king and queen!

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Summer cakes!

Is it fun in the sun with out a summer tart?

Zizou loves the fountains

We have come home now from the three  and a half weeks in the hot sun! Zizou is finely feeling at home, hes much happyer now that we are home but he probely misses the fountains back in France!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Puss and Luss meets the royal family (Part four)

"Wow! this is the biggest brekfast I have ever seen!"said Luss and then took a sipp of her royal Figg juice! "Yummy brekfast Shala, what type of chese is this?"asked Puss pointing at the cheese. "Its goats cheese! But its not very intersting Puss, why dont you try this cheese!"said Shela. "What chese is that?"asked Puss again. "Camembert! its not very strog, here let my cut it up for you!"said Shela bending over the tabel to cut the cheese. "Mmmmm that smells tastey!"said  Puss putting her nose in the air! "What patern do you want on your cheese nife Puss?"asked Shela the Queen. "Oh I want ummm, well can I have the blue one with purple fish on please?"said Puss. "Ok here you go! witch one do you want Luss?"asked Shela. "Weeell, can I have the pink one with the daisy parten please?"asked Luss looking at all the diffrent partens. "Here you go,!"said Shela putting the cheese nife on Luss`s plate. "Now what cheese,what ham,what cream cheese and what jam to put on you roll?"asked Shela looking at Luss`s hungry face. "Goats cheese,the peper ham,tine cream cheese and the blueberry jam please"said Luss licking her lips! "Now what do you want Wendy if you mind me calling you that?" asked Shela. "oh thats ok that you call me by my first name! Well thats a good selecctoin you have got here Shela! Well I think I will have the Chilly ham,the sheep cheese,the paprika cream cheese and the pineapple jam please Oh! and dont forget a two panncakes with sirip please!"said Ms.Claws out of breath. "Mmmmm tasty choose! do you to girls want some panncakes maybe?"asked Shela. "Oh yes please Shela!"said the two girls toghether. AFTER BREKFAST!
  "That was the tastyest meel I have ever had in my life Shela!"said Luss standing up from her chair then pushing it back in again. "Thank you for brekfast Shela and Meowwin!"said Puss. "Your welcome Puss" said Shela. "Shela can we wear the royal clothes today!?"asked Luss. "Of coures!"said Shela.
"Now you to run up stairs and not to fast so you wake up John is a bit angry today so run up stairs slowly and then get dressed into the dresses and come back down stairs again and show us your clothes!"said Meowwin. "Ok!"said Puss and Luss running up stairs. "Cute kids you got there Wendy!"said Shela. "Thanks I love them to! and sometimes they are realy sad because they miss there father so much!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws. UP STAIRS!
"Oh these are so beutiful! Oh look at this one Puss!"said Luss running into her sister`s room. "Oh that one is beutey!"said Puss. The dress was a  dirtey pink and not to  dirtey! and had a cream colur bow on the left side of the dress and it came with a neckless that had the same colur pink on the heart that was hanging on the cream white thread!
   "Well look at my dress!"said Puss holding it up in the air!
 Puss`s dress was a blue and had a daisy neckless and had a big daisy on the side of the dress and one to put in her hair!
 The girls came down the steps possing on each step they took while there mum and the king and Queen had open mouths!
  "Wow darlings you look beutiful!"said Wendy. "Yep they are soo cute!"said Shela.