

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip!

"Mum remind me why we are going to a farm?"asked Luss looking out the car window.
"Well hunny, as you know its spring holday so me and Puss wanted to stay at a farm!"
"Yes I know that! but we cant just come in a random farm and say that we are going to stay there for, well I dont know how long but..."said Luss.

"Hunny"said Ms.Claws."yep!?"said Luss. "You do remember Linda?"asked Ms.Claws. "You mean Linda Rose Paw?"said Luss looking a her mother and then at the clouds. "Yes Luss! I´m so glad that you remember  my child hood friend!"said Ms.Claws petting Luss´s head while there was a red light on the go!
   "Who is Lindy Rosey Paw paw?"asked Puss. "Well Linda is an old friend of mummy´s, you have never seen her befor Puss!"said Ms.Claws. "Mum why do we have to drive dad´s old car?"asked Luss. "Well its more of a far..." "We are there!"shouted Puss. "...y!"said Ms.Claws. "Ohh! come here Wendy!!!!!!!!"shouted Linda. "Oh! you have grroowwnn!"said Wendy=Ms.Claws."Linda! Rose! Paw! is that really you?!"asked Luss walking up to Linda smiling and taking Puss´s and her own suit case.
    "Luss is that you? because the last time I saw you then you where a baby and your mother needed help giving you a name!" "Was that where my name came from?"asked Luss. "Yes I know! I needed to stay up all night just to name you!" "Oh I never knew that!"said Luss running to Linda and giving her a hug.
  "Hey! what about me?!"asked Puss sitting in the car having her arms croosed!
       "Wendy! I did not know that you had another little girl!"said Linda  looking at Wendy. "What is her name?"asked Linda. "Well her name is Puss!"said Ms.Claws. Just as they got Puss,the suit cases and locked the car... it began to rain! "Oh quick inside!"said Linda running into the farm house!

1 comment:

Marjory said...

Can't wait to see what excitement they get up to on the farm.