

Monday, 16 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Three!)

12:00 AM"Lussy!"said Puss.  "It was not my foult!!"said Luss thinking that she was still in here dream! "Sissi you have to wake up!"said Puss again.  "Ok then, what is it Puss?"asked Luss turing her head to look at Puss with sleepy eyes. "I cant get to sleep!"said Puss. "Well at least try to get to sleep!!"said Luss. "Ok!"said Puss putting her head back on the pillow.  3:00 AM! "Luss,sissi wake up!" "What is it now?!"asked Luss angry. "I´m thirsty!"said Puss. "Shall I get you some water maybe?"said Luss. "That will be greaty!"said Puss. AFTER A WHILEY! "Here you go Puss, any thing else?!"asked Luss looking at Puss angry and wanting her sisters answer to be NO! "No Puss does not need any thing else and..." Befor Puss had a chance to  finish her sentence Luss had already fallen a sleep! "...thank you sissi"said Puss falling to sleep her self.
                          ! IN THE MORNING!
"Oh good morning Luss!" said Linda taking a sip of her tea.  "Good morning darling!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws . "Good morning sissi!!"said Puss. "How did you sleep?"asked Linda. "Not very well!"said Luss sitting down on the chair. "Puss woke me up twice yesturday!" "First she did not get to sleep and second she woke me up because she was thirsty!"said Luss. "Puss is sorry"said Puss looking down at the floor sadly. "Its ok Puss" "Now what tea do you want Luss?"asked Linda. "How many kinds of tea do you have Linda?"asked Luss getting the blanket from the sofa and sitting down on her chair. "Are you cold Luss?!"asked Linda. "No, no I´m just a bit..." "cold!"said Puss. "I guess your right Puss"said Luss with a sigh. "You may have a cold Luss"said Linda.  "Yey I guess your right to!"said Luss.  "That means extra hot tea today Luss and you are aloud to sit on the sofa and watch some t.v.  if you like"said Linda pouring hot water in the mug. "Sissi I can go up stairs and get your duvet if you want that to!"said Puss making a smile on her sister´s face!  "Luss what type of tea do you want?!"said Linda spredding some butter on the pice of bread she was holding. "Oh I have never had such a big chose of tea since we went to the royal family!" "Well chose one quickly  your water is getting cold!" "Ok then, oh can I have the green tea lemon please!"said Luss rapping her self up even tighter in the blanket.  AFTER A WHILE!
   "Thanks Linda!"said Luss looking up at Linda from the sofa.    "Luss how is it going!"asked Puss. "I´m fine Puss, you can go out and play!"said Luss. "But its raining!"said Puss. "Luss I me and your mum has found out why your so cold!"said Linda walking up to the sofa. "Well then!" "There was a gost  that came into your room last night and had given you the Wiskercope!!!!!!"said Linda. "How do you know that?" " Your mum found a little type of a stick or something like that in your the bed so she took it to me and I had seen it befor so I new what it was, and I told her that there  was  something called the chimster gost  that  flys around and sticks the stick in your arm and the next thing you know is that you have Wiskercope!"said Linda sad. "So you mean I can die!!?"asked Luss. "No hunny Wiskercope is just a type of cold!"said Ms.Claws.  "What do you mean by a type of cold?"asked Luss.  "It means that you just sneeze and cough a bit more then normal, its not very bad hunny its just well, normal!"  "Well thats a releaf!" said Luss. "But why did the ghost come to a farm why not a diffrent place?" "Well  we have been having quite a lot of luck these years because you see, the ghost takes turns going to each house giving one of those people a cold until he has done the hole of Scotmeow!"said Linda. "So it will by over soon?!"asked Luss. "Yes it will be over by tomorow!"said Linda. "Well that good news!!"said Puss. "Not really because there is going to be some bad new soon over the night!"said Linda. "He won´t give any one else Wiskercope will he?!!"asked Luss. "No! no Luss, its just that, after he gives the last person in Scotmeow wisker cope he does a nother bad but not to the person..."  NEXT MORNING!
  "....But to the house!!!! Wendy,Puss,Luss come here!!"shouted Linda standing in her pajamases beside the open door. "Oh my Dog!!"said Wendy. "What is the problem Lin..." asked Luss. "... da!"said Puss coming runnng! "The hole farm has turned PINK!!!!!!"said Linda.

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