

Friday, 13 August 2010

Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Two!)

"Wow! its still raining!"said Puss. "Puss, it jut started to rain!"said Luss looking at Puss. "Well what do you to want?"asked Linda. "What do you mean by, what do we want?"said Luss puzzeled. "What do you want to have for tea!" "What is on the menu!?"asked Luss letting out a giggel! "Well, you can have any thing that is meat,eggs,cheese,fruit and vegtable!" "Oh! that is a lot to chose from! what do you want Puss?"said Ms. Claws taking a step out of the kitchen. "Well, I want fish on toast with a cheesey cream soup please!"sad Luss hopping that here dinner will come true! "Well of coures I can make that! is that are right with you Puss? that we have that for todays dinner"asked Linda smiling at Puss and waiting for her answer. "Yep,yep and yep! that is Puss favorite dinner!"said Puss jumping up and down on the sofa! "Well it  looks like the kids like it here!"said Linda walking back into the kitchen and then taking the pan out of the cuberd. "Well they manege to make them sefl feel at home quite quickly!" said Ms. Claws. "Why do you think they are like that Wendy?"asked Linda. "Well they have been to castles,resturants, and to Italy!"said Wendy trying to find a fish in the frige.  "Wendy the fish is not there!"said Linda walking towords the door that led to... "Here is my inside pound of fish!" "Oh thats quite..."said Ms. Claws

"Cute!  I did not know that you had an inside pound of fish!"said Luss.
   "Come over here girls! because its time to dig in!"
    Watch out for the next chapter!

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