"Wow! this is the biggest brekfast I have ever seen!"said Luss and then took a sipp of her royal Figg juice! "Yummy brekfast Shala, what type of chese is this?"asked Puss pointing at the cheese. "Its goats cheese! But its not very intersting Puss, why dont you try this cheese!"said Shela. "What chese is that?"asked Puss again. "Camembert! its not very strog, here let my cut it up for you!"said Shela bending over the tabel to cut the cheese. "Mmmmm that smells tastey!"said Puss putting her nose in the air! "What patern do you want on your cheese nife Puss?"asked Shela the Queen. "Oh I want ummm, well can I have the blue one with purple fish on please?"said Puss. "Ok here you go! witch one do you want Luss?"asked Shela. "Weeell, can I have the pink one with the daisy parten please?"asked Luss looking at all the diffrent partens. "Here you go,!"said Shela putting the cheese nife on Luss`s plate. "Now what cheese,what ham,what cream cheese and what jam to put on you roll?"asked Shela looking at Luss`s hungry face. "Goats cheese,the peper ham,tine cream cheese and the blueberry jam please"said Luss licking her lips! "Now what do you want Wendy if you mind me calling you that?" asked Shela. "oh thats ok that you call me by my first name! Well thats a good selecctoin you have got here Shela! Well I think I will have the Chilly ham,the sheep cheese,the paprika cream cheese and the pineapple jam please Oh! and dont forget a two panncakes with sirip please!"said Ms.Claws out of breath. "Mmmmm tasty choose! do you to girls want some panncakes maybe?"asked Shela. "Oh yes please Shela!"said the two girls toghether. AFTER BREKFAST!
"That was the tastyest meel I have ever had in my life Shela!"said Luss standing up from her chair then pushing it back in again. "Thank you for brekfast Shela and Meowwin!"said Puss. "Your welcome Puss" said Shela. "Shela can we wear the royal clothes today!?"asked Luss. "Of coures!"said Shela.
"Now you to run up stairs and not to fast so you wake up John is a bit angry today so run up stairs slowly and then get dressed into the dresses and come back down stairs again and show us your clothes!"said Meowwin. "Ok!"said Puss and Luss running up stairs. "Cute kids you got there Wendy!"said Shela. "Thanks I love them to! and sometimes they are realy sad because they miss there father so much!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws. UP STAIRS!
"Oh these are so beutiful! Oh look at this one Puss!"said Luss running into her sister`s room. "Oh that one is beutey!"said Puss. The dress was a dirtey pink and not to dirtey! and had a cream colur bow on the left side of the dress and it came with a neckless that had the same colur pink on the heart that was hanging on the cream white thread!
"Well look at my dress!"said Puss holding it up in the air!
Puss`s dress was a blue and had a daisy neckless and had a big daisy on the side of the dress and one to put in her hair!
The girls came down the steps possing on each step they took while there mum and the king and Queen had open mouths!
"Wow darlings you look beutiful!"said Wendy. "Yep they are soo cute!"said Shela.
1 comment:
Very good Mia, we have loved reading your stories.
Love G&G xxxx
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