"But Luss what will I get my dad?"asked Brad hoping that Luss will have a anwser. "Well Brad I m not sure, you could just.. Not go home!"said Luss watching the first tear run its way down Brads cheak. "Way will I do that?!"asked Brad. "Well Brad, think a bit first, you family does not like you very much your father thinks that you are to nice to be a big mighty monster, and your brother gives you coal for a Chrismas presant! And you sister goes into your room steeling things and breaking them, you just dont get it do you Brad?" said Luss. "Your right Luss! But what about my mother?"asked Brad looking at Luss. "Well, she thinks that you are not a mighty monster to!"said Luss. "But if I Agoo was going to chose some one in your family that would be.."said Puss. "You!" said the to girls together giving Brad a big hug.
Puss and Luss are cats that walk on there back legs they are also very black cats to! Puss is yonger one and says Agoo all the time she is three years old! Luss is about thirteen and loves her little sister!
"thanks you to, But are you going to tell Remi all this?"asked Brad looking happier now. "Well that is why we came here, but we will tell that you did not mean to do it! and that you are the best monster in the world, and that you can get a job here until we head home!"said Luss. After telling Remi everthing they had a nice Lunch served by Brad! THE END!
1 comment:
Very good Mia. We have enjoyed reading your story.
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