

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

the rest of Puss and Luss and the resturant monster part two!

"Luss sissi dont leave me hear please" said Puss"LUSSSSSSSSS!!!"shouted Puss loudly and woired. "num num what is my meel today! aaaaaa a cat I hate catss!"said someone! "who said that?"asked Puss looking into the dark. "Me! me resturant monster!" "whats your name?" said Puss. "my name, is Brad!" "Oh ago ok well then Brad! do you know where my sister can be?" "well is she a black cat then yes, yes I have seen your sister!"  "well she is a black cat, sooo can you show me ago the way to my sister Brad!"said Puss happy  Brad looked at her and said "what is the magic word?" "ok Please Brad please!" it was silent in the the resturant kitchen for a while and then Brad aswered "Ok then, this way"said Brad he walked right through the wall and disepeard into the darknes with Puss behind him all the time! "here we are!" I cant see any thing!"said Puss puzzeled. "that little poop! the Cafe monster has taken your sister Puss!he loves cats he eats them all the time!"   "Oh no!!!!" shouted Puss.

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