

Saturday, 24 July 2010

the second part of Puss and Luss and the mistery hotel

"Look at all the clouds!"said Puss while they were up in the plane. "mum"said Luss. "Yes Luss" "how long time have we bin up in the air?"asked Luss. "about, well... let me see, two hours!.. and fifty two minuts"said ms.Claws. "THERE IS ONLY EIGHT MINUTS UNTIL WE LAND IN BAROLO"said the captain on speakers! "Ah well, well I`ll just read my book  for the rest of the trip"said Luss.
  "WE HAVE LANDED YOU ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE OF YOUR SEATBELTS, AND THANK YOU FOR FLYING WITH MEOWING AIR BIE!" "well now we are off that plane!" "mum! flying is a bit of fun!"said Luss to her mum. "is there a taxi here or what?, because there are NO taxis here!"said ms.Claws. "umm is`int that our hotel over there mum?"said Luss. "Oh he heeh,umm, I new that alll the time!"said ms.Claws embarest. "umm, a booking for three please" "Umm your last name please madam" "oh,um Claws C,L,A,W,S,"said ms. Claws. "Yes um, my name is Mr.Remi Reno I will be at your service all the time, Ok?" "ok"said Luss and Puss. "Well then here your room and the keys to the parking and the key to the fan that you get beside you at the pool when you are laying there in the sun!" "well thank you Remi if you mind that I call you that?" "oh yes that is my first name anyway!"said Remi.
  "ahhh, I`m so tired ah good night!"said luss. "good night"said Puss. "good night" "good night"said ms.Claws. And then they sleept like logs until...
      "Get dressed Lussy sissi luss waky waky!"said Puss. "ah what now!"said Luss "breakfast time"said Puss. "ah ok Puss can you get out of my face now?" "ok!"said Puss.
 "umm Remi where is the breakfast room?"said ms.Claws. "Oh I`m so sorry I have all these complaints things have bin geting missing just right out of the blue! someone or something has been steeling things from the hotel rooms in the middle of the night , noone has seen what ever it is ,but we have to catch it before it makes more trouble for my hotel or it will be shut down!"

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