

Friday, 30 July 2010

Puss and Luss meets the royal family (Part 2)

"Oh finally we are out of the traffic!"said Luss. "were here!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh that is big palace!"said Puss. "Yip it is ,and we are gonig to stay there for three nights!"said Luss. "Oh really?"asked Puss. "yip I know, and I cant wait! we are going to have royal bedrooms and meals,cloths,and theres this biiiigggg garden with sheep, gouts,chicken,cows, and pigs!"said Luss running out of breath.  "Ah hello!"said Puss and Luss toghether and then bent down. "Hi!"said Ms.Claws bending down to. "Hello, and welcome to the palace of Mibley!"said the servent. "My name is John Tipptoon, and I`m the servent around here so I will be showing you around a bit befor you three meet the  King and Queen!"said John. "Now! Lets begin, heres the royal garden we call it the Meowing Garden! But now it is not so well, so... nice looking!" "well I think its nice!"said Puss. "Oh thank you little pussy girl!" thats what they say in the cat world!  So whats your name then?"asked John. "Puss!"answered Puss. "Oh thats a nice name whats your mummy called then?"asked John. "Ms.Claws!"said Puss. "Oh yey! Umm, Whats her first name?"asked John again bending down to look at Puss`s face closer. "Windy!"said Puss. "Umm,  my name is Wendy!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh Wendy! nice name, whats this big chaps name then?"said John. "Oh my name is Luss"said Luss. "almost the same name as your sister! HA! HA! ha ha a..."said John. "are you ok"asked Luss. "yey! yey I just had a little mentol moment!"answered John. "Lets get on with it shall we? ok well these are the farm animals that we eat some times  and some times milk and make cheese of and stuff like that! well here we have vegetabels and fruit hanging from the trees, berrys are over here, and a pound of fish! so every thing is ready to get eaten,picked,pulled,made,milked and we also have fish from the pound to eat to so lets pop inside to see the royols!"said John.

"Greeting your highesty!"said all three of them toghether and bending down slowly.  "Greetings to you three as well!"said the King. "Greetings mr.and mrs.King!"said Puss. the King looked at Puss and said"How old is she?" "Well um she is three and a half!"said Luss looking up at the King happy. "Yes well ok then!"said the King putting his hand on Luss`s head and then petting it. "How old are you then?"said the King looking down at Luss with a smile! "I`m thirteen your highesty, I`m the one who wonne the prise to come here!"said Luss. "May I say my name?"asked Ms.Claws from behind her two girls. "Yes you may"said the King. "ok then my name is ¨Wendy Claws my husbend is dead so my last name is Claws you see,"said Ms.Claws looking up at the King and Queen. "You three may stand up and I will show you your rooms!"said the Queen getting up from her chair. "Oh thank you! do you mind if I ask what your names may be?"asked Luss. "Oh yes ok well here we go again, my name is Mr.Meowwin Horten and this is my wife Mrs.Shela Horton. and up the steps are your rooms so follow us please"said the King. UP THE STAIRS THEY GO!
   "This room is for Puss!"said Shela. The room had a sparkle every where you looked, and the color was baby blue and  a decoration of real freshly picked daisys in a vase on the wooding bedside tables and the daisys were sprinkeled on the bed to it was so beutiful, and the bed its self was blue and it had a cream coler curtins around it! "Oh Puss like room!"
Luss`s room was a light not bright orange and had butter cups in vases on the bedsides,tables that were in front of mirrows and the flowers were sprinkeled on the bed to. The bed was a easter yellow and had ten orange pillows that were laying down in a row!
In Ms.Caws room the coler was cream and was decoreted the same way it was  Puss`s room now I mean by the flowers, But she did not have daisys but with red roses! the bed had a curtin around it that was red and sheet was also red but the pilows and stuff like that was a cream coler!
"AHHHHHHHHH MUMMY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"shouted Puss! "Oh no! mum!"shouted Luss running down the hall and into her mother`s room. "Mum Puss is gone!" "Oh no! this always happends we have to wake up the King and Queen!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh dont forget to wake up John!" "Ok mum!"said Luss running down the hallway again.
  "She cant have just gone away like that! I heard screaming something must have taking her!"said Luss holding a flash light in her nighty. "Well this has not happend for a long time!"said Shela the Queen. "What do you mean by long time?"asked Luss. "Once a long time a go we had guests here and they loved it here but then there was a scream and shout and then there was  silence after a while we  maneged to find out that there was a gost that toke our guests" "Oh no!"

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