

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

the rest of Puss and Luss and the resurant monster

"Ago I hope that Luss is ok!"said Puss woired. "Well if we get there in time Puss then you will get your sister back"said Brad the resturant monster. "what do you mean on time?"asked Puss scared. "Well Puss, um I dont know how to say this but, You see the Cafe monster does not eat his meal at once ,he hangs them up on front of his door step intil well, what ever he caught is..." "is what Brad is what?" "until its dead!"said Brad. "Oh Brad we must hurry!"shouted Puss more scared then ever!
   When they are at the Cafe monster is house!
 "where now?" "to the right Puss, he should live here somewhere"said Brad. "do you that two days ago Luss had to save me!"said puss trying to change her mood. "no I did not know that Puss"said Brad. "Well, I got sucked into this mario book and the evil guy of the story took me so Luss and Luigi had to save me!"said Puss gigeling a bit. "here it is the Cafe monster is house!"said Brad. "where is Luss she is not here!"said Puss again. "there is the Cafe monster!"said Brad while he pulled Puss into a bush to hide from the Cafe monster! "what shall we do now?"said Puss. "wait until he hangs up Luss"said Brad.
 "Luss sissi"wisperd Puss to Luss happely. "Wh,w,wwhat was that?did someone say something?"asked Luss. "yes I said something!"said Puss "Puss oh Puss come here and untie me!"wisperd Luss. "I cant do it!"said Puss "Ago Brad help me please!"asked Puss. "wh,wh, who is Brad? Oh, oh oh no!Pu!"shouted Luss "shhhh keep it down Luss"said Puss "its ok he is helping me Ago save you!"wisperd Puss. "there we go!"said Brad finishing of the untieing. "come on run!"said Luss to the others.
      Back to the resturant
"thanks for saving me you to!me and Puss are going now so bie Brad and thanks see you at work tomorrow!"said Luss puting her arm around Puss and left then told everything to there mum!

1 comment:

Marjory said...

What a good story. Where do you get all the idea's from.
Well done Mia.
Love Granny& Granda xxxxxxx