

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Puss and Luss and the book! (When they are in the castle)

"Ok, we will begin with jumping  over those spikes,climbing up there, and then we get that magic flower so we can shoot those little monsters, and then climb up there open the door and defeat the boss!"said Luigi     to Luss. "But will we have to do when we defeat him?"asked Luss. "Well, shoot him a few times until he gets angry! its as easy as that! said Luigi. "Well, ok lets do this thing!!"said Luss. "You are right Luss lets do this thing! said luigi again.

         On there way to the boss!
   "Wow this climbing is hard work! said Luss. "Well get ready for a even bigger climb, look what you have left! there is a lot of  climbing to do!" said Luigi. "oh, I just hope Puss is ok!"said Luss woired. "if she gets scaered easely then there is no way we are going to find her!" warned Lugigi. "What Puss, scared! no way that would ever happen! Puss tryed to hide under the Queens chair to catch a mouse! there is no way Puss will ever get scared!"shouted Luss. "ok, I get it Puss will never get scared! but has she ever bin in a scary, horr..." and befor luigi finished his word they heard a screem!   "Luigi! we have to hurry! thats Puss`s screem!" shouted luss woired. "come on! the boss can throw her any second into boiling hot lava!"said Luigi climbing as fast as he could up the high fence wall. "AAAAAAAA! LUSS AGO  HELP ME LUSSSSS!" "thats Puss all right! come on Luigi! HURRY"shouted Luss even more woired.
            when Luss and Luigi where fineshed climbing!
    "what way now?"asked Luss bretahing heavely. "over here Luss! heres the boss is door"Luigi said to Luss. "oh, is there not a elevator in the castle" Luss mumbered to her self.
  "Stop right there mister!" said Luss and Luigi together. "Do not throw my sister in that boiling hot lava!" shouted Luss to the ugly boss. The boss had a spikey turtel shell on his back and was a little green monster him self! and had a bandana round his mouth.  "Luss!"shouted puss happely. "Dont speak like that to a boss!" said the boss to Luigi and Luss. in the next second the boss pushed Luss and Luigi off the brige and in the hot lava! luckely Luigi had a grip of the brige and did not fall down and in the other hand he had Luss! with a good grip he could swing luss back on the brige and Luss could take Puss out of the boss is arms and push the boss down in the lava and Luigi can climb up and all of them will run back out of the castle back outside to Mario! Luigi looked down at Luss then up at the boss and then hoped his plan would work, and it did! Puss was saved and all what they had to do now was to run outside to mario!
 When they were out side with Mario
"Oh, Puss are you ok!?" "Ago yes, yes I am ok sisi"said Puss while looking up at her sister and then Puss gave luigi and Mario a hug and a good bie! Puss and Luss went out of the book and ran back home!
  The End!

1 comment:

Marjory said...

What a scary but very exciting story. We look forward to the next one.
G & G xxxx