

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Puss and Luss meets the royal family (third Part!)

"LUSSSSSS MUMMMMMYYYY! KINGY QUEENNNNNN!"shouted Pusss. "We have to go out there and find Puss!"said Luss. "out where?"asked Ms.Claws. "Out in the forest!"said Luss. "Thats not a good idea Luss!"said Shela.  "Why Shela?"asked Luss. "Because..."said Shela the Queen. "Because the ghost is too strong!"said Meowwin the king. "What! you are saying that a little white thing that flys around all day is too strong to beat us!"said Luss. "your right Luss!"said Meowwin. "We can do this thing!"said Shela running out into the forest with Luss. Meowwin and Ms.Claws.
 "Where are going to go now?"said Ms.Claws. "This way Puss`s sent is still  here"said Luss. "Wow you really know your sister!"said Shela suprised. "We know each other very well!"said Ms.Claws putting her arm around Luss. "Mum! get your arm of me!"said Luss. "there she is!" "Where?"asked Ms.Claws. "Tied to that tree over there!"said Luss running towards her sister. "Where do you think your going?"asked the ghost! "I think I`m going to get my sister back!" said Luss taking one big step forward."Well your not going to get to her!"said the gost taking one big step forword to Luss. "I dont care about what you say!!!"said Luss putting her foot down and then pushed the gost out of her way! "Luss!"said Puss. "Come Puss get on my back!"said Luss. "You have to untie me first!"said Puss putting her paws onher hips. "ok then, here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"shouted Luss running back again and then... she got pushed on the ground by the gost!
 Then Moewwin,Shela and Ms.Claws all took a step  forward and tripped the ghost up and then... "Puss hunny are you ok?"asked Ms.Claws while the ghost passed away! "What about Luss?"said Puss. "Oh no!"said Ms.Claws putting Puss down. "She has passed out!""we better carry her back to the castle and put her to bed and quick!"said Meowwin.
"Quick Wendy put her in the bed!"said Shela. "What time is it Meowwin?"asked Ms Claws. "About, three am, she will probably wake up in the morning Wendy lets all go back to sleep"said Meowwin. "Ok then, I just hope she`ll be ok!"said Wendy. Wendy =Ms.Claws.
"Lussy are you ok?"asked Puss sitting on Luss`s pillow. "Yes I am Puss, is breakfast ready yet?" "Yip its ready all right!"said Puss. "come down stairs then!" "but then I have to get dreesed Puss!"said Luss. "The Meowwin and Shela said its ok that you come down stairs in your nighty, me and mummy did it!" "Ok then Puss, I `ll be right there!"
    "Are you ok Luss?"asked Shela. "Yes, thenk you Shela!"said Luss sitting down on the heavy golden chair. Luss looked at the table there were every thing you could think of! Panncakes,fresh bread,rolls,french breakfasts too,jams,40 cheeses,20 hams,cream cheese in garlic,pepper,paprika,time every thing! Luss licked her lips!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic stories you are writing on the terrace in Antibes Mia! Love Pappa

Marjory said...

Great story but scary ghost in the woods.
Granda and Granny enjoying your stories.