Pappa had a lovley birthday, and he injoyed his presants sooo thank you everybody for that!
We had a nice norwiegen cake... Soggy cake (Blot kake)!!!!
The table was filled with M s,cake,sweets,chocolate and siegemann!! Not very much to right about know, I have forgot to write about birthdays and even my own! So now I know what to write about and that is the rest of Puss and Luss and the Farmtrip! I think it was, And theres another thing tooo Grandads birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tweet! Woof! And welcome to our blog! Its all about the pets! Feel free to look threw all the posts and so! Mia, Zizou and Sydney
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Six!)
"Lussy are you a wake?"asked Puss softly. "Now I am!" "I could not get to sleep"said Puss. "Why did you wake up me and not mum?"asked Luss. "Because I cant find her"said Puss. "What do you mean!?" "I meen that she´s not in bed and I cant find her!" "Have you looked downstairs?"asked Luss. "Well n..." "Check downstairs then!"said Luss. DOWNSTAIRS
"Mummy!!!"shouted Puss running upstairs again, and waking up Linda and Luss again. Linda got out of her bed and ran into the two girls room. "What is going on!?"asked Linda watching Puss
breathing in and out as fast as ever. "There is a mummy downstairs!" "Well let me see!"said Linda. "MUMMY!!" shouted Linda and Puss running up the stairs to tell Luss what was happening. "There´s a mummy down stairs!"said Linda. "Let me see!"said Luss getting out of bed. "Thats not a mummy thats mum!"said Luss standing at the bottom of the stairs, as she saw her mother in the kitchen."She´s sleepwalking" " I think we should wake her up!"said Linda. "Carfully" warned Luss. Slowly the three of them krept down the steps and found a glass and filled it up to the top with water, Linda stood behind Wendy while Luss took the glass out of Puss´s hands and poured it over her mother´s head. There was silence and soudenly Wendy landed in Linda´s arms and fell asleep, the three of them had to pull her up the steps and slowly dropped her in bed.
Normaly in the mornings Puss will wake up first around six , and Linda will wake up at eight and say good morning to Puss and make her a cup of tea and some biscets, After that Wendy will wake up and help Linda make brekfast and then Luss will wake up. But this morning did not go like that,It went something like this: Luss woke up and made her self a cup of tea then sat down on the sofa and watched a film called Hungry Dogs that she had with her around 5:49. And then Linda woke up at her normal time along with Puss. But no sign of Wendy. "Linda have you seen mum?" asked Luss. "I´m afraid I have not seen your mother, she must be still in bed"said Linda. "I´ll cheak!"said Puss. "No Puss last time you checked on something you scared everone and pluss you said check wrong!"said Luss walking upstairs. "Mum wake up, breakfast is ready!" "Ok hunny"said Ms.Claws.
The next chapter is coming in a few minuts and chapter seven is going to be the last chapter in this story. So look out for the last chapter of Puss and Luss and the farm trip and a new story coming soon!
! Bye!
"Mummy!!!"shouted Puss running upstairs again, and waking up Linda and Luss again. Linda got out of her bed and ran into the two girls room. "What is going on!?"asked Linda watching Puss
breathing in and out as fast as ever. "There is a mummy downstairs!" "Well let me see!"said Linda. "MUMMY!!" shouted Linda and Puss running up the stairs to tell Luss what was happening. "There´s a mummy down stairs!"said Linda. "Let me see!"said Luss getting out of bed. "Thats not a mummy thats mum!"said Luss standing at the bottom of the stairs, as she saw her mother in the kitchen."She´s sleepwalking" " I think we should wake her up!"said Linda. "Carfully" warned Luss. Slowly the three of them krept down the steps and found a glass and filled it up to the top with water, Linda stood behind Wendy while Luss took the glass out of Puss´s hands and poured it over her mother´s head. There was silence and soudenly Wendy landed in Linda´s arms and fell asleep, the three of them had to pull her up the steps and slowly dropped her in bed.
Normaly in the mornings Puss will wake up first around six , and Linda will wake up at eight and say good morning to Puss and make her a cup of tea and some biscets, After that Wendy will wake up and help Linda make brekfast and then Luss will wake up. But this morning did not go like that,It went something like this: Luss woke up and made her self a cup of tea then sat down on the sofa and watched a film called Hungry Dogs that she had with her around 5:49. And then Linda woke up at her normal time along with Puss. But no sign of Wendy. "Linda have you seen mum?" asked Luss. "I´m afraid I have not seen your mother, she must be still in bed"said Linda. "I´ll cheak!"said Puss. "No Puss last time you checked on something you scared everone and pluss you said check wrong!"said Luss walking upstairs. "Mum wake up, breakfast is ready!" "Ok hunny"said Ms.Claws.
The next chapter is coming in a few minuts and chapter seven is going to be the last chapter in this story. So look out for the last chapter of Puss and Luss and the farm trip and a new story coming soon!
! Bye!
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Five)
"Ok!"said Luss. "Can you see the paint anywhere?" "I´m afraid not!"said Linda. "Do not give up Lindy"said Puss with a smile. "How can I carry on like this!? My farms already pink, Luss had Wiskercope, How can this be the best holiday for you to?"asked Linda. "It does not have to be the best holiday for me and Puss!"said Luss putting her paw on Linda´s back. "It´s going to be the best for you!"said Puss. "How!?"asked Linda again. Puss pointed at a man selling paint all the way at the other end of the market. "Oh! Puss thank you!"shouted Linda giving Puss a hug. AT THE OTHER END OF THE MARKET!
"Good morning lass!"said the seller in a scotish aksent. "What can I do for you this morning?" "Well can I have tha..." "Wait a moment! I´ve heard that vioce befor!"said the seller. "What do you mean!?"asked Linda. "Well a few years ago there was this sweet little girl who always used to come to my stand here in the market, of coures she had here mother with her but someone else to..." "You mean her friend!?" asked Wendy =Ms.Claws. "Yes! thats right, and her name was... Wendy I think"said the seller. befor Ms.Claws got to say any thing, the seller cared on talking. "And the sweet little girls name I think was Linda, and her mother´s name was Rose." "Wait thats my name and thas my mother´s name to, and of coures my friend here is called Wendy! And I remember doing all those thing with my mother and Wendy!!!!!" "Ok take it easy lassy!" "If you two remember me soo well then, whats my name?" "HARRY!!"shouted Wendy and Linda toghether.
"WOW this is so out of the blue!!"said Linda. "But Harry I still need some paint!" "All right" "What couler was it again?" "Dirty blue" "Ok"said Harry" come back tomorrow!" "I´ll try"said Linda.
Wait for the next chapter of puss and luss and the farm trip!
"Good morning lass!"said the seller in a scotish aksent. "What can I do for you this morning?" "Well can I have tha..." "Wait a moment! I´ve heard that vioce befor!"said the seller. "What do you mean!?"asked Linda. "Well a few years ago there was this sweet little girl who always used to come to my stand here in the market, of coures she had here mother with her but someone else to..." "You mean her friend!?" asked Wendy =Ms.Claws. "Yes! thats right, and her name was... Wendy I think"said the seller. befor Ms.Claws got to say any thing, the seller cared on talking. "And the sweet little girls name I think was Linda, and her mother´s name was Rose." "Wait thats my name and thas my mother´s name to, and of coures my friend here is called Wendy! And I remember doing all those thing with my mother and Wendy!!!!!" "Ok take it easy lassy!" "If you two remember me soo well then, whats my name?" "HARRY!!"shouted Wendy and Linda toghether.
"WOW this is so out of the blue!!"said Linda. "But Harry I still need some paint!" "All right" "What couler was it again?" "Dirty blue" "Ok"said Harry" come back tomorrow!" "I´ll try"said Linda.
Wait for the next chapter of puss and luss and the farm trip!
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Four!)
"Why did the ghost paint the hole farm pink!?"asked Luss standing with her mouth open in shock. "Well... I dont know!!"said Linda stomping back into her pink house! "Mum why is Linda´s farm pink!?" "I really dont know Luss come on lets go inside and help Linda with brekfast shal we?"said Ms. Claws = Wendy. IN THE KITCHEN! "Ok then what do we want for brekfast?!"asked Linda pretending like nothing happend. "Linda, why dont you leave it to me and mum?"said Luss. "Oh Luss your right!"said Linda with a sigh. BREKFAST!
"Linda dont you want to paint the farm back to its normal coler?"asked Luss. "Maybe"said Linda. "What do you mean by maybe?"asked Luss. "I´m not sure if there is any of the old painting left or not"said Linda. "Why don´t you buy new!?"asked Puss. "Yey, why don´t you buy some new painting!?"asked Luss. "Well, the coler I had befor is history!"said Linda sad. "Well, then you could just chose a diffrent colur!" "Luss I can´t that colur has been in the family for years!" "There is noway I can change it!"said Linda. "Well then we have got a problem!"said Luss. "I know! either my farm should just stay pink or I´ll have to buy another from the market!"said Linda resting her head on her hand. "Is there a market in town?!"asked Luss. "Well yes, thats where my great,great,great,great,great,great,great, great,great and great granny and grandad got the old painting from!"said Linda. "You said that you looked in every SUPER market!"said Puss. "So that means that they´ll still have your old colur!"said Luss. "And that means that my farm won´t have to be pink!!!!"said Linda. "Come on we have to get dressed Wendy!!"said Linda.
Wait for chapter five!!!! "Yippy my farm does not have to be pink !!!!!"said Linda again!
"Linda dont you want to paint the farm back to its normal coler?"asked Luss. "Maybe"said Linda. "What do you mean by maybe?"asked Luss. "I´m not sure if there is any of the old painting left or not"said Linda. "Why don´t you buy new!?"asked Puss. "Yey, why don´t you buy some new painting!?"asked Luss. "Well, the coler I had befor is history!"said Linda sad. "Well, then you could just chose a diffrent colur!" "Luss I can´t that colur has been in the family for years!" "There is noway I can change it!"said Linda. "Well then we have got a problem!"said Luss. "I know! either my farm should just stay pink or I´ll have to buy another from the market!"said Linda resting her head on her hand. "Is there a market in town?!"asked Luss. "Well yes, thats where my great,great,great,great,great,great,great, great,great and great granny and grandad got the old painting from!"said Linda. "You said that you looked in every SUPER market!"said Puss. "So that means that they´ll still have your old colur!"said Luss. "And that means that my farm won´t have to be pink!!!!"said Linda. "Come on we have to get dressed Wendy!!"said Linda.
Wait for chapter five!!!! "Yippy my farm does not have to be pink !!!!!"said Linda again!
Monday, 16 August 2010
Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Three!)
12:00 AM"Lussy!"said Puss. "It was not my foult!!"said Luss thinking that she was still in here dream! "Sissi you have to wake up!"said Puss again. "Ok then, what is it Puss?"asked Luss turing her head to look at Puss with sleepy eyes. "I cant get to sleep!"said Puss. "Well at least try to get to sleep!!"said Luss. "Ok!"said Puss putting her head back on the pillow. 3:00 AM! "Luss,sissi wake up!" "What is it now?!"asked Luss angry. "I´m thirsty!"said Puss. "Shall I get you some water maybe?"said Luss. "That will be greaty!"said Puss. AFTER A WHILEY! "Here you go Puss, any thing else?!"asked Luss looking at Puss angry and wanting her sisters answer to be NO! "No Puss does not need any thing else and..." Befor Puss had a chance to finish her sentence Luss had already fallen a sleep! "...thank you sissi"said Puss falling to sleep her self.
"Oh good morning Luss!" said Linda taking a sip of her tea. "Good morning darling!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws . "Good morning sissi!!"said Puss. "How did you sleep?"asked Linda. "Not very well!"said Luss sitting down on the chair. "Puss woke me up twice yesturday!" "First she did not get to sleep and second she woke me up because she was thirsty!"said Luss. "Puss is sorry"said Puss looking down at the floor sadly. "Its ok Puss" "Now what tea do you want Luss?"asked Linda. "How many kinds of tea do you have Linda?"asked Luss getting the blanket from the sofa and sitting down on her chair. "Are you cold Luss?!"asked Linda. "No, no I´m just a bit..." "cold!"said Puss. "I guess your right Puss"said Luss with a sigh. "You may have a cold Luss"said Linda. "Yey I guess your right to!"said Luss. "That means extra hot tea today Luss and you are aloud to sit on the sofa and watch some t.v. if you like"said Linda pouring hot water in the mug. "Sissi I can go up stairs and get your duvet if you want that to!"said Puss making a smile on her sister´s face! "Luss what type of tea do you want?!"said Linda spredding some butter on the pice of bread she was holding. "Oh I have never had such a big chose of tea since we went to the royal family!" "Well chose one quickly your water is getting cold!" "Ok then, oh can I have the green tea lemon please!"said Luss rapping her self up even tighter in the blanket. AFTER A WHILE!
"Thanks Linda!"said Luss looking up at Linda from the sofa. "Luss how is it going!"asked Puss. "I´m fine Puss, you can go out and play!"said Luss. "But its raining!"said Puss. "Luss I me and your mum has found out why your so cold!"said Linda walking up to the sofa. "Well then!" "There was a gost that came into your room last night and had given you the Wiskercope!!!!!!"said Linda. "How do you know that?" " Your mum found a little type of a stick or something like that in your the bed so she took it to me and I had seen it befor so I new what it was, and I told her that there was something called the chimster gost that flys around and sticks the stick in your arm and the next thing you know is that you have Wiskercope!"said Linda sad. "So you mean I can die!!?"asked Luss. "No hunny Wiskercope is just a type of cold!"said Ms.Claws. "What do you mean by a type of cold?"asked Luss. "It means that you just sneeze and cough a bit more then normal, its not very bad hunny its just well, normal!" "Well thats a releaf!" said Luss. "But why did the ghost come to a farm why not a diffrent place?" "Well we have been having quite a lot of luck these years because you see, the ghost takes turns going to each house giving one of those people a cold until he has done the hole of Scotmeow!"said Linda. "So it will by over soon?!"asked Luss. "Yes it will be over by tomorow!"said Linda. "Well that good news!!"said Puss. "Not really because there is going to be some bad new soon over the night!"said Linda. "He won´t give any one else Wiskercope will he?!!"asked Luss. "No! no Luss, its just that, after he gives the last person in Scotmeow wisker cope he does a nother bad but not to the person..." NEXT MORNING!
"....But to the house!!!! Wendy,Puss,Luss come here!!"shouted Linda standing in her pajamases beside the open door. "Oh my Dog!!"said Wendy. "What is the problem Lin..." asked Luss. "... da!"said Puss coming runnng! "The hole farm has turned PINK!!!!!!"said Linda.
"Oh good morning Luss!" said Linda taking a sip of her tea. "Good morning darling!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws . "Good morning sissi!!"said Puss. "How did you sleep?"asked Linda. "Not very well!"said Luss sitting down on the chair. "Puss woke me up twice yesturday!" "First she did not get to sleep and second she woke me up because she was thirsty!"said Luss. "Puss is sorry"said Puss looking down at the floor sadly. "Its ok Puss" "Now what tea do you want Luss?"asked Linda. "How many kinds of tea do you have Linda?"asked Luss getting the blanket from the sofa and sitting down on her chair. "Are you cold Luss?!"asked Linda. "No, no I´m just a bit..." "cold!"said Puss. "I guess your right Puss"said Luss with a sigh. "You may have a cold Luss"said Linda. "Yey I guess your right to!"said Luss. "That means extra hot tea today Luss and you are aloud to sit on the sofa and watch some t.v. if you like"said Linda pouring hot water in the mug. "Sissi I can go up stairs and get your duvet if you want that to!"said Puss making a smile on her sister´s face! "Luss what type of tea do you want?!"said Linda spredding some butter on the pice of bread she was holding. "Oh I have never had such a big chose of tea since we went to the royal family!" "Well chose one quickly your water is getting cold!" "Ok then, oh can I have the green tea lemon please!"said Luss rapping her self up even tighter in the blanket. AFTER A WHILE!
"Thanks Linda!"said Luss looking up at Linda from the sofa. "Luss how is it going!"asked Puss. "I´m fine Puss, you can go out and play!"said Luss. "But its raining!"said Puss. "Luss I me and your mum has found out why your so cold!"said Linda walking up to the sofa. "Well then!" "There was a gost that came into your room last night and had given you the Wiskercope!!!!!!"said Linda. "How do you know that?" " Your mum found a little type of a stick or something like that in your the bed so she took it to me and I had seen it befor so I new what it was, and I told her that there was something called the chimster gost that flys around and sticks the stick in your arm and the next thing you know is that you have Wiskercope!"said Linda sad. "So you mean I can die!!?"asked Luss. "No hunny Wiskercope is just a type of cold!"said Ms.Claws. "What do you mean by a type of cold?"asked Luss. "It means that you just sneeze and cough a bit more then normal, its not very bad hunny its just well, normal!" "Well thats a releaf!" said Luss. "But why did the ghost come to a farm why not a diffrent place?" "Well we have been having quite a lot of luck these years because you see, the ghost takes turns going to each house giving one of those people a cold until he has done the hole of Scotmeow!"said Linda. "So it will by over soon?!"asked Luss. "Yes it will be over by tomorow!"said Linda. "Well that good news!!"said Puss. "Not really because there is going to be some bad new soon over the night!"said Linda. "He won´t give any one else Wiskercope will he?!!"asked Luss. "No! no Luss, its just that, after he gives the last person in Scotmeow wisker cope he does a nother bad but not to the person..." NEXT MORNING!
"....But to the house!!!! Wendy,Puss,Luss come here!!"shouted Linda standing in her pajamases beside the open door. "Oh my Dog!!"said Wendy. "What is the problem Lin..." asked Luss. "... da!"said Puss coming runnng! "The hole farm has turned PINK!!!!!!"said Linda.
Friday, 13 August 2010
Puss and Luss and the farm trip! (Part Two!)
"Wow! its still raining!"said Puss. "Puss, it jut started to rain!"said Luss looking at Puss. "Well what do you to want?"asked Linda. "What do you mean by, what do we want?"said Luss puzzeled. "What do you want to have for tea!" "What is on the menu!?"asked Luss letting out a giggel! "Well, you can have any thing that is meat,eggs,cheese,fruit and vegtable!" "Oh! that is a lot to chose from! what do you want Puss?"said Ms. Claws taking a step out of the kitchen. "Well, I want fish on toast with a cheesey cream soup please!"sad Luss hopping that here dinner will come true! "Well of coures I can make that! is that are right with you Puss? that we have that for todays dinner"asked Linda smiling at Puss and waiting for her answer. "Yep,yep and yep! that is Puss favorite dinner!"said Puss jumping up and down on the sofa! "Well it looks like the kids like it here!"said Linda walking back into the kitchen and then taking the pan out of the cuberd. "Well they manege to make them sefl feel at home quite quickly!" said Ms. Claws. "Why do you think they are like that Wendy?"asked Linda. "Well they have been to castles,resturants, and to Italy!"said Wendy trying to find a fish in the frige. "Wendy the fish is not there!"said Linda walking towords the door that led to... "Here is my inside pound of fish!" "Oh thats quite..."said Ms. Claws
"Cute! I did not know that you had an inside pound of fish!"said Luss.
"Come over here girls! because its time to dig in!"
Watch out for the next chapter!
"Cute! I did not know that you had an inside pound of fish!"said Luss.
"Come over here girls! because its time to dig in!"
Watch out for the next chapter!
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Puss and Luss and the farm trip!
"Mum remind me why we are going to a farm?"asked Luss looking out the car window.
"Well hunny, as you know its spring holday so me and Puss wanted to stay at a farm!"
"Yes I know that! but we cant just come in a random farm and say that we are going to stay there for, well I dont know how long but..."said Luss.
"Hunny"said Ms.Claws."yep!?"said Luss. "You do remember Linda?"asked Ms.Claws. "You mean Linda Rose Paw?"said Luss looking a her mother and then at the clouds. "Yes Luss! I´m so glad that you remember my child hood friend!"said Ms.Claws petting Luss´s head while there was a red light on the go!
"Who is Lindy Rosey Paw paw?"asked Puss. "Well Linda is an old friend of mummy´s, you have never seen her befor Puss!"said Ms.Claws. "Mum why do we have to drive dad´s old car?"asked Luss. "Well its more of a far..." "We are there!"shouted Puss. "...y!"said Ms.Claws. "Ohh! come here Wendy!!!!!!!!"shouted Linda. "Oh! you have grroowwnn!"said Wendy=Ms.Claws."Linda! Rose! Paw! is that really you?!"asked Luss walking up to Linda smiling and taking Puss´s and her own suit case.
"Luss is that you? because the last time I saw you then you where a baby and your mother needed help giving you a name!" "Was that where my name came from?"asked Luss. "Yes I know! I needed to stay up all night just to name you!" "Oh I never knew that!"said Luss running to Linda and giving her a hug.
"Hey! what about me?!"asked Puss sitting in the car having her arms croosed!
"Wendy! I did not know that you had another little girl!"said Linda looking at Wendy. "What is her name?"asked Linda. "Well her name is Puss!"said Ms.Claws. Just as they got Puss,the suit cases and locked the car... it began to rain! "Oh quick inside!"said Linda running into the farm house!
"Well hunny, as you know its spring holday so me and Puss wanted to stay at a farm!"
"Yes I know that! but we cant just come in a random farm and say that we are going to stay there for, well I dont know how long but..."said Luss.
"Hunny"said Ms.Claws."yep!?"said Luss. "You do remember Linda?"asked Ms.Claws. "You mean Linda Rose Paw?"said Luss looking a her mother and then at the clouds. "Yes Luss! I´m so glad that you remember my child hood friend!"said Ms.Claws petting Luss´s head while there was a red light on the go!
"Who is Lindy Rosey Paw paw?"asked Puss. "Well Linda is an old friend of mummy´s, you have never seen her befor Puss!"said Ms.Claws. "Mum why do we have to drive dad´s old car?"asked Luss. "Well its more of a far..." "We are there!"shouted Puss. "...y!"said Ms.Claws. "Ohh! come here Wendy!!!!!!!!"shouted Linda. "Oh! you have grroowwnn!"said Wendy=Ms.Claws."Linda! Rose! Paw! is that really you?!"asked Luss walking up to Linda smiling and taking Puss´s and her own suit case.
"Luss is that you? because the last time I saw you then you where a baby and your mother needed help giving you a name!" "Was that where my name came from?"asked Luss. "Yes I know! I needed to stay up all night just to name you!" "Oh I never knew that!"said Luss running to Linda and giving her a hug.
"Hey! what about me?!"asked Puss sitting in the car having her arms croosed!
"Wendy! I did not know that you had another little girl!"said Linda looking at Wendy. "What is her name?"asked Linda. "Well her name is Puss!"said Ms.Claws. Just as they got Puss,the suit cases and locked the car... it began to rain! "Oh quick inside!"said Linda running into the farm house!
Monday, 9 August 2010
Puss and Luss meet the royal family (Last part!)
"Oh! Darlings you look so beutiful and grown up!"said Ms.Claws. "Your mother is right!"said Shela the Queen. "You are the best looking cats in the hole of Mibley!"said Meowwin the King. "Thank you Shela!"said Luss. "Thank Meowwin!"said Puss. "Oh come here you two!"said Shela pushing her chair away from the table and waiting for Puss and Luss to come running to her! "Shela can go around in these clothes for, well the rest of the day?"asked Puss sitting on Shela`s lap."Well of coures you can!"answered Shela. "But.." she said stopping Puss and Luss from running all the way out of the castle. "You have to stay cute!" "We`ll try Shela and thanks to!" said Luss running out of the castle door.
"Puss did you here that?"asked Luss looking into the bushes. "No Puss did not here any..." "Thing! Ha,ha,ha! you should have seen your faces you looked so scared! that was a good one John!"said John talking to him self and to the two girls. "John you are the servent around here! Why are you sneaking around in the bushes for?"said Luss. If you remember the first chapter John was the servent and he was a bit well crazy then and then he was not in any of the other chapters so what has he bin up to? "You also have big black clothes and huge bag!"said Puss pointing at John. "Thats right you do have all those things that Puss said you had! what have you been up to? and we have not seen you latley so that meens that you have probely been out sneaking and maybe even steeling! thats whats in your bag! I knew it, all the stuff that you have right there is not youres! and why were you not there to save me and Puss from that gost?"said Luss putting her foot down to John. "Well Luss this is..."said John. "YOU WERE THE GOST!!!!!!!!" said Puss and Luss toghether. "Gards!"shouted Puss. the gards came running as fast as they can and..."Take him!"said Luss pointing at John and turning her head away as like she did not want to see John ever again! "Oh no something is happening outside!"said Shela. Finely the grown ups came out of the castle! "Oh John! what has he done?"asked Shela shouting woired from the top of the steps. "Well he is the one who was the gost look can´t you see? He has black boots,jacket, t-shirt,jeens and hat! Me and Puss found out that he has been sneaking around steeling things and how we worked out that he is the gost is because he was not there to save me, and the last sound I had stuck in my head! was John" said Luss finishing of here sentens quietly. "I´am so sorry Shela, I really am!"said Luss watching a tear trickel down the Queens cheak slowly. "Its ok girls you saved all of us here in the castle, I should be thanking you two is sted of making you feel gilty!"said Shela letting here tear dry away. "Its ok Shela we know you liked having John around so much"said Puss giving the Queen a hug. "You two can viset every holday and weekend if you like!"said Meowwin putting his arm around his wife! = Shela! "Can they?!"asked Shela looking up at Meowwin and then at Puss and Luss! "Yes they can!" "YYYYYEEEEESSSSS oh yey oh yey yippy!"said the two girls dancing about!
"yippy oh yey oh yey yippy!"said Ms.Claws joining her dahters and the king and queen!
"Puss did you here that?"asked Luss looking into the bushes. "No Puss did not here any..." "Thing! Ha,ha,ha! you should have seen your faces you looked so scared! that was a good one John!"said John talking to him self and to the two girls. "John you are the servent around here! Why are you sneaking around in the bushes for?"said Luss. If you remember the first chapter John was the servent and he was a bit well crazy then and then he was not in any of the other chapters so what has he bin up to? "You also have big black clothes and huge bag!"said Puss pointing at John. "Thats right you do have all those things that Puss said you had! what have you been up to? and we have not seen you latley so that meens that you have probely been out sneaking and maybe even steeling! thats whats in your bag! I knew it, all the stuff that you have right there is not youres! and why were you not there to save me and Puss from that gost?"said Luss putting her foot down to John. "Well Luss this is..."said John. "YOU WERE THE GOST!!!!!!!!" said Puss and Luss toghether. "Gards!"shouted Puss. the gards came running as fast as they can and..."Take him!"said Luss pointing at John and turning her head away as like she did not want to see John ever again! "Oh no something is happening outside!"said Shela. Finely the grown ups came out of the castle! "Oh John! what has he done?"asked Shela shouting woired from the top of the steps. "Well he is the one who was the gost look can´t you see? He has black boots,jacket, t-shirt,jeens and hat! Me and Puss found out that he has been sneaking around steeling things and how we worked out that he is the gost is because he was not there to save me, and the last sound I had stuck in my head! was John" said Luss finishing of here sentens quietly. "I´am so sorry Shela, I really am!"said Luss watching a tear trickel down the Queens cheak slowly. "Its ok girls you saved all of us here in the castle, I should be thanking you two is sted of making you feel gilty!"said Shela letting here tear dry away. "Its ok Shela we know you liked having John around so much"said Puss giving the Queen a hug. "You two can viset every holday and weekend if you like!"said Meowwin putting his arm around his wife! = Shela! "Can they?!"asked Shela looking up at Meowwin and then at Puss and Luss! "Yes they can!" "YYYYYEEEEESSSSS oh yey oh yey yippy!"said the two girls dancing about!
"yippy oh yey oh yey yippy!"said Ms.Claws joining her dahters and the king and queen!
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Zizou loves the fountains
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Puss and Luss meets the royal family (Part four)
"Wow! this is the biggest brekfast I have ever seen!"said Luss and then took a sipp of her royal Figg juice! "Yummy brekfast Shala, what type of chese is this?"asked Puss pointing at the cheese. "Its goats cheese! But its not very intersting Puss, why dont you try this cheese!"said Shela. "What chese is that?"asked Puss again. "Camembert! its not very strog, here let my cut it up for you!"said Shela bending over the tabel to cut the cheese. "Mmmmm that smells tastey!"said Puss putting her nose in the air! "What patern do you want on your cheese nife Puss?"asked Shela the Queen. "Oh I want ummm, well can I have the blue one with purple fish on please?"said Puss. "Ok here you go! witch one do you want Luss?"asked Shela. "Weeell, can I have the pink one with the daisy parten please?"asked Luss looking at all the diffrent partens. "Here you go,!"said Shela putting the cheese nife on Luss`s plate. "Now what cheese,what ham,what cream cheese and what jam to put on you roll?"asked Shela looking at Luss`s hungry face. "Goats cheese,the peper ham,tine cream cheese and the blueberry jam please"said Luss licking her lips! "Now what do you want Wendy if you mind me calling you that?" asked Shela. "oh thats ok that you call me by my first name! Well thats a good selecctoin you have got here Shela! Well I think I will have the Chilly ham,the sheep cheese,the paprika cream cheese and the pineapple jam please Oh! and dont forget a two panncakes with sirip please!"said Ms.Claws out of breath. "Mmmmm tasty choose! do you to girls want some panncakes maybe?"asked Shela. "Oh yes please Shela!"said the two girls toghether. AFTER BREKFAST!
"That was the tastyest meel I have ever had in my life Shela!"said Luss standing up from her chair then pushing it back in again. "Thank you for brekfast Shela and Meowwin!"said Puss. "Your welcome Puss" said Shela. "Shela can we wear the royal clothes today!?"asked Luss. "Of coures!"said Shela.
"Now you to run up stairs and not to fast so you wake up John is a bit angry today so run up stairs slowly and then get dressed into the dresses and come back down stairs again and show us your clothes!"said Meowwin. "Ok!"said Puss and Luss running up stairs. "Cute kids you got there Wendy!"said Shela. "Thanks I love them to! and sometimes they are realy sad because they miss there father so much!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws. UP STAIRS!
"Oh these are so beutiful! Oh look at this one Puss!"said Luss running into her sister`s room. "Oh that one is beutey!"said Puss. The dress was a dirtey pink and not to dirtey! and had a cream colur bow on the left side of the dress and it came with a neckless that had the same colur pink on the heart that was hanging on the cream white thread!
"Well look at my dress!"said Puss holding it up in the air!
Puss`s dress was a blue and had a daisy neckless and had a big daisy on the side of the dress and one to put in her hair!
The girls came down the steps possing on each step they took while there mum and the king and Queen had open mouths!
"Wow darlings you look beutiful!"said Wendy. "Yep they are soo cute!"said Shela.
"That was the tastyest meel I have ever had in my life Shela!"said Luss standing up from her chair then pushing it back in again. "Thank you for brekfast Shela and Meowwin!"said Puss. "Your welcome Puss" said Shela. "Shela can we wear the royal clothes today!?"asked Luss. "Of coures!"said Shela.
"Now you to run up stairs and not to fast so you wake up John is a bit angry today so run up stairs slowly and then get dressed into the dresses and come back down stairs again and show us your clothes!"said Meowwin. "Ok!"said Puss and Luss running up stairs. "Cute kids you got there Wendy!"said Shela. "Thanks I love them to! and sometimes they are realy sad because they miss there father so much!"said Wendy =Ms.Claws. UP STAIRS!
"Oh these are so beutiful! Oh look at this one Puss!"said Luss running into her sister`s room. "Oh that one is beutey!"said Puss. The dress was a dirtey pink and not to dirtey! and had a cream colur bow on the left side of the dress and it came with a neckless that had the same colur pink on the heart that was hanging on the cream white thread!
"Well look at my dress!"said Puss holding it up in the air!
Puss`s dress was a blue and had a daisy neckless and had a big daisy on the side of the dress and one to put in her hair!
The girls came down the steps possing on each step they took while there mum and the king and Queen had open mouths!
"Wow darlings you look beutiful!"said Wendy. "Yep they are soo cute!"said Shela.
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Puss and Luss meets the royal family (third Part!)
"LUSSSSSS MUMMMMMYYYY! KINGY QUEENNNNNN!"shouted Pusss. "We have to go out there and find Puss!"said Luss. "out where?"asked Ms.Claws. "Out in the forest!"said Luss. "Thats not a good idea Luss!"said Shela. "Why Shela?"asked Luss. "Because..."said Shela the Queen. "Because the ghost is too strong!"said Meowwin the king. "What! you are saying that a little white thing that flys around all day is too strong to beat us!"said Luss. "your right Luss!"said Meowwin. "We can do this thing!"said Shela running out into the forest with Luss. Meowwin and Ms.Claws.
"Where are going to go now?"said Ms.Claws. "This way Puss`s sent is still here"said Luss. "Wow you really know your sister!"said Shela suprised. "We know each other very well!"said Ms.Claws putting her arm around Luss. "Mum! get your arm of me!"said Luss. "there she is!" "Where?"asked Ms.Claws. "Tied to that tree over there!"said Luss running towards her sister. "Where do you think your going?"asked the ghost! "I think I`m going to get my sister back!" said Luss taking one big step forward."Well your not going to get to her!"said the gost taking one big step forword to Luss. "I dont care about what you say!!!"said Luss putting her foot down and then pushed the gost out of her way! "Luss!"said Puss. "Come Puss get on my back!"said Luss. "You have to untie me first!"said Puss putting her paws onher hips. "ok then, here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"shouted Luss running back again and then... she got pushed on the ground by the gost!
Then Moewwin,Shela and Ms.Claws all took a step forward and tripped the ghost up and then... "Puss hunny are you ok?"asked Ms.Claws while the ghost passed away! "What about Luss?"said Puss. "Oh no!"said Ms.Claws putting Puss down. "She has passed out!""we better carry her back to the castle and put her to bed and quick!"said Meowwin.
"Quick Wendy put her in the bed!"said Shela. "What time is it Meowwin?"asked Ms Claws. "About, three am, she will probably wake up in the morning Wendy lets all go back to sleep"said Meowwin. "Ok then, I just hope she`ll be ok!"said Wendy. Wendy =Ms.Claws.
"Lussy are you ok?"asked Puss sitting on Luss`s pillow. "Yes I am Puss, is breakfast ready yet?" "Yip its ready all right!"said Puss. "come down stairs then!" "but then I have to get dreesed Puss!"said Luss. "The Meowwin and Shela said its ok that you come down stairs in your nighty, me and mummy did it!" "Ok then Puss, I `ll be right there!"
"Are you ok Luss?"asked Shela. "Yes, thenk you Shela!"said Luss sitting down on the heavy golden chair. Luss looked at the table there were every thing you could think of! Panncakes,fresh bread,rolls,french breakfasts too,jams,40 cheeses,20 hams,cream cheese in garlic,pepper,paprika,time every thing! Luss licked her lips!
"Where are going to go now?"said Ms.Claws. "This way Puss`s sent is still here"said Luss. "Wow you really know your sister!"said Shela suprised. "We know each other very well!"said Ms.Claws putting her arm around Luss. "Mum! get your arm of me!"said Luss. "there she is!" "Where?"asked Ms.Claws. "Tied to that tree over there!"said Luss running towards her sister. "Where do you think your going?"asked the ghost! "I think I`m going to get my sister back!" said Luss taking one big step forward."Well your not going to get to her!"said the gost taking one big step forword to Luss. "I dont care about what you say!!!"said Luss putting her foot down and then pushed the gost out of her way! "Luss!"said Puss. "Come Puss get on my back!"said Luss. "You have to untie me first!"said Puss putting her paws onher hips. "ok then, here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"shouted Luss running back again and then... she got pushed on the ground by the gost!
Then Moewwin,Shela and Ms.Claws all took a step forward and tripped the ghost up and then... "Puss hunny are you ok?"asked Ms.Claws while the ghost passed away! "What about Luss?"said Puss. "Oh no!"said Ms.Claws putting Puss down. "She has passed out!""we better carry her back to the castle and put her to bed and quick!"said Meowwin.
"Quick Wendy put her in the bed!"said Shela. "What time is it Meowwin?"asked Ms Claws. "About, three am, she will probably wake up in the morning Wendy lets all go back to sleep"said Meowwin. "Ok then, I just hope she`ll be ok!"said Wendy. Wendy =Ms.Claws.
"Lussy are you ok?"asked Puss sitting on Luss`s pillow. "Yes I am Puss, is breakfast ready yet?" "Yip its ready all right!"said Puss. "come down stairs then!" "but then I have to get dreesed Puss!"said Luss. "The Meowwin and Shela said its ok that you come down stairs in your nighty, me and mummy did it!" "Ok then Puss, I `ll be right there!"
"Are you ok Luss?"asked Shela. "Yes, thenk you Shela!"said Luss sitting down on the heavy golden chair. Luss looked at the table there were every thing you could think of! Panncakes,fresh bread,rolls,french breakfasts too,jams,40 cheeses,20 hams,cream cheese in garlic,pepper,paprika,time every thing! Luss licked her lips!
Friday, 30 July 2010
Puss and Luss meets the royal family (Part 2)
"Oh finally we are out of the traffic!"said Luss. "were here!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh that is big palace!"said Puss. "Yip it is ,and we are gonig to stay there for three nights!"said Luss. "Oh really?"asked Puss. "yip I know, and I cant wait! we are going to have royal bedrooms and meals,cloths,and theres this biiiigggg garden with sheep, gouts,chicken,cows, and pigs!"said Luss running out of breath. "Ah hello!"said Puss and Luss toghether and then bent down. "Hi!"said Ms.Claws bending down to. "Hello, and welcome to the palace of Mibley!"said the servent. "My name is John Tipptoon, and I`m the servent around here so I will be showing you around a bit befor you three meet the King and Queen!"said John. "Now! Lets begin, heres the royal garden we call it the Meowing Garden! But now it is not so well, so... nice looking!" "well I think its nice!"said Puss. "Oh thank you little pussy girl!" thats what they say in the cat world! So whats your name then?"asked John. "Puss!"answered Puss. "Oh thats a nice name whats your mummy called then?"asked John. "Ms.Claws!"said Puss. "Oh yey! Umm, Whats her first name?"asked John again bending down to look at Puss`s face closer. "Windy!"said Puss. "Umm, my name is Wendy!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh Wendy! nice name, whats this big chaps name then?"said John. "Oh my name is Luss"said Luss. "almost the same name as your sister! HA! HA! ha ha a..."said John. "are you ok"asked Luss. "yey! yey I just had a little mentol moment!"answered John. "Lets get on with it shall we? ok well these are the farm animals that we eat some times and some times milk and make cheese of and stuff like that! well here we have vegetabels and fruit hanging from the trees, berrys are over here, and a pound of fish! so every thing is ready to get eaten,picked,pulled,made,milked and we also have fish from the pound to eat to so lets pop inside to see the royols!"said John.
"Greeting your highesty!"said all three of them toghether and bending down slowly. "Greetings to you three as well!"said the King. "Greetings mr.and mrs.King!"said Puss. the King looked at Puss and said"How old is she?" "Well um she is three and a half!"said Luss looking up at the King happy. "Yes well ok then!"said the King putting his hand on Luss`s head and then petting it. "How old are you then?"said the King looking down at Luss with a smile! "I`m thirteen your highesty, I`m the one who wonne the prise to come here!"said Luss. "May I say my name?"asked Ms.Claws from behind her two girls. "Yes you may"said the King. "ok then my name is ¨Wendy Claws my husbend is dead so my last name is Claws you see,"said Ms.Claws looking up at the King and Queen. "You three may stand up and I will show you your rooms!"said the Queen getting up from her chair. "Oh thank you! do you mind if I ask what your names may be?"asked Luss. "Oh yes ok well here we go again, my name is Mr.Meowwin Horten and this is my wife Mrs.Shela Horton. and up the steps are your rooms so follow us please"said the King. UP THE STAIRS THEY GO!
"This room is for Puss!"said Shela. The room had a sparkle every where you looked, and the color was baby blue and a decoration of real freshly picked daisys in a vase on the wooding bedside tables and the daisys were sprinkeled on the bed to it was so beutiful, and the bed its self was blue and it had a cream coler curtins around it! "Oh Puss like room!"
Luss`s room was a light not bright orange and had butter cups in vases on the bedsides,tables that were in front of mirrows and the flowers were sprinkeled on the bed to. The bed was a easter yellow and had ten orange pillows that were laying down in a row!
In Ms.Caws room the coler was cream and was decoreted the same way it was Puss`s room now I mean by the flowers, But she did not have daisys but with red roses! the bed had a curtin around it that was red and sheet was also red but the pilows and stuff like that was a cream coler!
"AHHHHHHHHH MUMMY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"shouted Puss! "Oh no! mum!"shouted Luss running down the hall and into her mother`s room. "Mum Puss is gone!" "Oh no! this always happends we have to wake up the King and Queen!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh dont forget to wake up John!" "Ok mum!"said Luss running down the hallway again.
"She cant have just gone away like that! I heard screaming something must have taking her!"said Luss holding a flash light in her nighty. "Well this has not happend for a long time!"said Shela the Queen. "What do you mean by long time?"asked Luss. "Once a long time a go we had guests here and they loved it here but then there was a scream and shout and then there was silence after a while we maneged to find out that there was a gost that toke our guests" "Oh no!"
"Greeting your highesty!"said all three of them toghether and bending down slowly. "Greetings to you three as well!"said the King. "Greetings mr.and mrs.King!"said Puss. the King looked at Puss and said"How old is she?" "Well um she is three and a half!"said Luss looking up at the King happy. "Yes well ok then!"said the King putting his hand on Luss`s head and then petting it. "How old are you then?"said the King looking down at Luss with a smile! "I`m thirteen your highesty, I`m the one who wonne the prise to come here!"said Luss. "May I say my name?"asked Ms.Claws from behind her two girls. "Yes you may"said the King. "ok then my name is ¨Wendy Claws my husbend is dead so my last name is Claws you see,"said Ms.Claws looking up at the King and Queen. "You three may stand up and I will show you your rooms!"said the Queen getting up from her chair. "Oh thank you! do you mind if I ask what your names may be?"asked Luss. "Oh yes ok well here we go again, my name is Mr.Meowwin Horten and this is my wife Mrs.Shela Horton. and up the steps are your rooms so follow us please"said the King. UP THE STAIRS THEY GO!
"This room is for Puss!"said Shela. The room had a sparkle every where you looked, and the color was baby blue and a decoration of real freshly picked daisys in a vase on the wooding bedside tables and the daisys were sprinkeled on the bed to it was so beutiful, and the bed its self was blue and it had a cream coler curtins around it! "Oh Puss like room!"
Luss`s room was a light not bright orange and had butter cups in vases on the bedsides,tables that were in front of mirrows and the flowers were sprinkeled on the bed to. The bed was a easter yellow and had ten orange pillows that were laying down in a row!
In Ms.Caws room the coler was cream and was decoreted the same way it was Puss`s room now I mean by the flowers, But she did not have daisys but with red roses! the bed had a curtin around it that was red and sheet was also red but the pilows and stuff like that was a cream coler!
"AHHHHHHHHH MUMMY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"shouted Puss! "Oh no! mum!"shouted Luss running down the hall and into her mother`s room. "Mum Puss is gone!" "Oh no! this always happends we have to wake up the King and Queen!"said Ms.Claws. "Oh dont forget to wake up John!" "Ok mum!"said Luss running down the hallway again.
"She cant have just gone away like that! I heard screaming something must have taking her!"said Luss holding a flash light in her nighty. "Well this has not happend for a long time!"said Shela the Queen. "What do you mean by long time?"asked Luss. "Once a long time a go we had guests here and they loved it here but then there was a scream and shout and then there was silence after a while we maneged to find out that there was a gost that toke our guests" "Oh no!"
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Puss and Luss meets a royal family (Part 1) !
"And the winner of a family trip to the royal family is," said Luss`s teacher. "Luss Claws!" "Yes, this was my dream! and now its coming true!!"shouted Luss waving her hands in the air then taking the ticket out of her teachers hand and running home with her sister Puss. "Mum, mum!"shouted Luss running on the path that heads through the forest to their home. "Look at this! its a trip to the royal family tomorrow!"said Luss. "can we go?"asked Puss looking up at her mother. "Well yes, I have been waiting for this day for a long long time darlings!"said Ms.Claws as happy as could be! "But does this trip take us out of town?"asked Ms.Claws. "No mum! its the King and Queen of Mibley, you did not forget that we live in the capital of Scotmeow!"said Luss. "Oh well, well come inside and have a cup of tea and lunch"said Ms.Claws. "Mum are we taking the Mini Cooper or the Citron?"asked Puss. "You mean the Citroen?"said Luss. "Well Puss we are taking the Mini!"answered Ms.Claws.
Puss is three but still goes to a baby school in a big school that Luss her older sister goes to Luss is about thirteen and she has a sister Puss, I know I have said that before! their father Bob has passed away so they live with their mother Ms.Claws. They are black cats and they walk on their back feet and live in Mibey I made that town up! they have a Mini cooper light blue and has a white roof, and a lime green Citroen that once belonged to their father Bob!
"Ah Saturday mornings I love them!"said Luss waking up and... "Wakey wakey time for royal family trip!"shouted Puss jumping up on her sisters bed. "Ok! ok I`m up" said Luss jumping out of her bed. "now go away Puss I`m going to pack!"Luss warned Puss. "Come on we dont want to be stuck in traffic!"said Luss. IN THE CAR! "ok mum turn the key!"said Luss. "Foot on the pedol!"said Puss. "AND GO!!!"shouted Ms.Claws. "Oh no! have you seen this girls?"asked Ms.Claws. "no we have.. Oh no look at all that traffic!"said Luss worried. LOOK OUT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!
Puss is three but still goes to a baby school in a big school that Luss her older sister goes to Luss is about thirteen and she has a sister Puss, I know I have said that before! their father Bob has passed away so they live with their mother Ms.Claws. They are black cats and they walk on their back feet and live in Mibey I made that town up! they have a Mini cooper light blue and has a white roof, and a lime green Citroen that once belonged to their father Bob!
"Ah Saturday mornings I love them!"said Luss waking up and... "Wakey wakey time for royal family trip!"shouted Puss jumping up on her sisters bed. "Ok! ok I`m up" said Luss jumping out of her bed. "now go away Puss I`m going to pack!"Luss warned Puss. "Come on we dont want to be stuck in traffic!"said Luss. IN THE CAR! "ok mum turn the key!"said Luss. "Foot on the pedol!"said Puss. "AND GO!!!"shouted Ms.Claws. "Oh no! have you seen this girls?"asked Ms.Claws. "no we have.. Oh no look at all that traffic!"said Luss worried. LOOK OUT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Last chapter of.. Puss and Luss and the mistery hotel!!
"But Luss what will I get my dad?"asked Brad hoping that Luss will have a anwser. "Well Brad I m not sure, you could just.. Not go home!"said Luss watching the first tear run its way down Brads cheak. "Way will I do that?!"asked Brad. "Well Brad, think a bit first, you family does not like you very much your father thinks that you are to nice to be a big mighty monster, and your brother gives you coal for a Chrismas presant! And you sister goes into your room steeling things and breaking them, you just dont get it do you Brad?" said Luss. "Your right Luss! But what about my mother?"asked Brad looking at Luss. "Well, she thinks that you are not a mighty monster to!"said Luss. "But if I Agoo was going to chose some one in your family that would be.."said Puss. "You!" said the to girls together giving Brad a big hug.
Puss and Luss are cats that walk on there back legs they are also very black cats to! Puss is yonger one and says Agoo all the time she is three years old! Luss is about thirteen and loves her little sister!
"thanks you to, But are you going to tell Remi all this?"asked Brad looking happier now. "Well that is why we came here, but we will tell that you did not mean to do it! and that you are the best monster in the world, and that you can get a job here until we head home!"said Luss. After telling Remi everthing they had a nice Lunch served by Brad! THE END!
Puss and Luss are cats that walk on there back legs they are also very black cats to! Puss is yonger one and says Agoo all the time she is three years old! Luss is about thirteen and loves her little sister!
"thanks you to, But are you going to tell Remi all this?"asked Brad looking happier now. "Well that is why we came here, but we will tell that you did not mean to do it! and that you are the best monster in the world, and that you can get a job here until we head home!"said Luss. After telling Remi everthing they had a nice Lunch served by Brad! THE END!
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Fourth part of Puss and Luss and mistery hotel!
"Puss, Puss come back!"shouted Luss trying to see her sister in the darknes. "hi Luss long time since we have seen each other!"said Brad the restaurant Monster! "Brad what are you doing here?" said Luss. "Well,"said Brad putting Puss down on the ground again. "And what is all that stuff over there that belongs to the hotel!"said Luss suprised. "Ummm, well it is realy hard to answer but,"said Brad petting Puss`s head. "But what Brad, but what!?"said Luss angry. "Look Luss, its a long story so lets go inside my cave and I`ll tell you all of my story!"said Brad. "So it starts like this its my dads birthday and he is the one who all ways says that I am not a normal monster, and he wants me to go all the from Britain to some where else in Europe, so I said that I was going to go Italy, to have some thing that shows that I am not a whimp, you see?" "Well we are just on holiday here, but yes we get it"said Luss. "so I also needed to get my dad something from well, where ever I was in Europe! and he likes hotel lamps and all lot of junk like that, and the rest of my family likes eating stuff like that to, so I am getting him this!"said Brad waiting for Puss or Luss to say some thing. "But Brad, all this belongs to the hotel and if you steal it the hotel will be shout down!"said Luss. "so!"sais brad not worried at all. "think! your family does not care that you are going around Europe and might hurt your self!"said Luss. "very hard!"added Puss. "so!"said Brad again. "So that means that we are your only friends and the only people who care about you!"said Luss. "and if you just break up our holiday like broken glass! you will have no one!"said Luss. "I did not think about that"said Brad. "But if you think again then you will have us as your friends back home in Mibly!"said Luss. "deal!"said Brad. WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER POPS UP!
Monday, 26 July 2010
another part of puss and luss and the mistery hotel (comes after the the second part of the story)
"Puss we better catch that monster!"said Luss. "why?"asked Puss. "they will shout the hotel down! did you listen to Remi!"said Luss. AFTERWORDS "ah, this is a nice breakfast!"said Ms,Claws. "not for me, I m so worried about this hotel monster or what ever!"said Luss putting more pain a chocolate in her mouth. "Well Ago what ever it is we come to bottom of it!"said Puss. AFTER BREKFAST "oh, what color do you want on your nails Puss?"asked Luss. "baby pinky please Luss sissi!"said Puss. "ok then, oh this color looks so shiny on you Puss!"said Luss finishing off the last nail or claw! they are cats are they not?! "what color do you want then sweetheart?"said ms.Claws walking out of the hotel room onto the terace. "I would like lime green please!"said Luss. "you two did promise Remi that you were going to look for this person or what ever that is stealing this things?" "oh yey, thanks mum!"said Luss. "come on Puss we promised Remi we would do this!"said Luss. "Well,well thats not your stuff in it?" said Luss to the mystery person in the dark. "wait sissi some thing smells strange here!"said Puss. "I have smelled this before!"said Puss again. next thing Luss know is that Puss went running off into the dark and did not come back! because...
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Zizou`s holday at the flat!
Zizou is hot in the sun and cool in the shade!
Zizou is having a nice time here in Antibes heres some pictures!
Zizou is having a nice time here in Antibes heres some pictures!
the second part of Puss and Luss and the mistery hotel
"Look at all the clouds!"said Puss while they were up in the plane. "mum"said Luss. "Yes Luss" "how long time have we bin up in the air?"asked Luss. "about, well... let me see, two hours!.. and fifty two minuts"said ms.Claws. "THERE IS ONLY EIGHT MINUTS UNTIL WE LAND IN BAROLO"said the captain on speakers! "Ah well, well I`ll just read my book for the rest of the trip"said Luss.
"WE HAVE LANDED YOU ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE OF YOUR SEATBELTS, AND THANK YOU FOR FLYING WITH MEOWING AIR BIE!" "well now we are off that plane!" "mum! flying is a bit of fun!"said Luss to her mum. "is there a taxi here or what?, because there are NO taxis here!"said ms.Claws. "umm is`int that our hotel over there mum?"said Luss. "Oh he heeh,umm, I new that alll the time!"said ms.Claws embarest. "umm, a booking for three please" "Umm your last name please madam" "oh,um Claws C,L,A,W,S,"said ms. Claws. "Yes um, my name is Mr.Remi Reno I will be at your service all the time, Ok?" "ok"said Luss and Puss. "Well then here your room and the keys to the parking and the key to the fan that you get beside you at the pool when you are laying there in the sun!" "well thank you Remi if you mind that I call you that?" "oh yes that is my first name anyway!"said Remi.
"ahhh, I`m so tired ah good night!"said luss. "good night"said Puss. "good night" "good night"said ms.Claws. And then they sleept like logs until...
"Get dressed Lussy sissi luss waky waky!"said Puss. "ah what now!"said Luss "breakfast time"said Puss. "ah ok Puss can you get out of my face now?" "ok!"said Puss.
"umm Remi where is the breakfast room?"said ms.Claws. "Oh I`m so sorry I have all these complaints things have bin geting missing just right out of the blue! someone or something has been steeling things from the hotel rooms in the middle of the night , noone has seen what ever it is ,but we have to catch it before it makes more trouble for my hotel or it will be shut down!"
"WE HAVE LANDED YOU ARE ALLOWED TO TAKE OF YOUR SEATBELTS, AND THANK YOU FOR FLYING WITH MEOWING AIR BIE!" "well now we are off that plane!" "mum! flying is a bit of fun!"said Luss to her mum. "is there a taxi here or what?, because there are NO taxis here!"said ms.Claws. "umm is`int that our hotel over there mum?"said Luss. "Oh he heeh,umm, I new that alll the time!"said ms.Claws embarest. "umm, a booking for three please" "Umm your last name please madam" "oh,um Claws C,L,A,W,S,"said ms. Claws. "Yes um, my name is Mr.Remi Reno I will be at your service all the time, Ok?" "ok"said Luss and Puss. "Well then here your room and the keys to the parking and the key to the fan that you get beside you at the pool when you are laying there in the sun!" "well thank you Remi if you mind that I call you that?" "oh yes that is my first name anyway!"said Remi.
"ahhh, I`m so tired ah good night!"said luss. "good night"said Puss. "good night" "good night"said ms.Claws. And then they sleept like logs until...
"Get dressed Lussy sissi luss waky waky!"said Puss. "ah what now!"said Luss "breakfast time"said Puss. "ah ok Puss can you get out of my face now?" "ok!"said Puss.
"umm Remi where is the breakfast room?"said ms.Claws. "Oh I`m so sorry I have all these complaints things have bin geting missing just right out of the blue! someone or something has been steeling things from the hotel rooms in the middle of the night , noone has seen what ever it is ,but we have to catch it before it makes more trouble for my hotel or it will be shut down!"
Puss and Luss and the mistery hotel!
"Ah, summer holidays!"said Luss while she was holding Puss's hand and walking on the path that led them home. The summer wind made the fresh green leaves rustle! Puss let go of Luss' hand and went running to her mother."mummy"shouted Puss. Luss went running to her mother to! "Hi you too have a nice school day?"said ms. claws "yep but we could not get our mind of our trip to Italy!"shouted Puss and Luss together.
Puss and Luss are two cats,thier dad Bob is dead so they live with there mother. Their last name claws and live in Britain and the village name is Mibley and there on there are going to Italy (Barolo).
"now you to have a quick lunch and then pack because we have to catch the plane! Ok?" "ok mum, but mum is there any turkey flurkey soup left?" "yes, yes there is honey, now eat!"said ms.claws running up the stairs to pack. "Ok here you go Puss Turkey flurkey soup!"said Luss putting the bowl of soup in front of Puss. "thank Agoo you Luss"said Puss. "ok girls up stairs you go we have let me see half an hour on us so hurry!"said ms.claws. UP STAIRS THE GIRLS WHERE PACKING!
"Ok, I will take with me my purple top and white jeans and then I`ll take me red top oh! and my ice cream top and my rose pink jeans that go with my white Italy top!" IN PUSS's ROOM!
"ummm Ago Goo goo! I will take my blue smiley top that will go with my yellow jeans because my smiley face on my top is the same typ of yellow! hi, hii"said Puss. "ok lets go mum"said Luss so happy that she could burst! "ok Luss do have your make up?" "yes of coures" "do you have your teddy bear?"said ms.claws. "yip yippy yip!"said puss.
Puss and Luss are two cats,thier dad Bob is dead so they live with there mother. Their last name claws and live in Britain and the village name is Mibley and there on there are going to Italy (Barolo).
"now you to have a quick lunch and then pack because we have to catch the plane! Ok?" "ok mum, but mum is there any turkey flurkey soup left?" "yes, yes there is honey, now eat!"said ms.claws running up the stairs to pack. "Ok here you go Puss Turkey flurkey soup!"said Luss putting the bowl of soup in front of Puss. "thank Agoo you Luss"said Puss. "ok girls up stairs you go we have let me see half an hour on us so hurry!"said ms.claws. UP STAIRS THE GIRLS WHERE PACKING!
"Ok, I will take with me my purple top and white jeans and then I`ll take me red top oh! and my ice cream top and my rose pink jeans that go with my white Italy top!" IN PUSS's ROOM!
"ummm Ago Goo goo! I will take my blue smiley top that will go with my yellow jeans because my smiley face on my top is the same typ of yellow! hi, hii"said Puss. "ok lets go mum"said Luss so happy that she could burst! "ok Luss do have your make up?" "yes of coures" "do you have your teddy bear?"said ms.claws. "yip yippy yip!"said puss.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
the rest of Puss and Luss and the resurant monster
"Ago I hope that Luss is ok!"said Puss woired. "Well if we get there in time Puss then you will get your sister back"said Brad the resturant monster. "what do you mean on time?"asked Puss scared. "Well Puss, um I dont know how to say this but, You see the Cafe monster does not eat his meal at once ,he hangs them up on front of his door step intil well, what ever he caught is..." "is what Brad is what?" "until its dead!"said Brad. "Oh Brad we must hurry!"shouted Puss more scared then ever!
When they are at the Cafe monster is house!
"where now?" "to the right Puss, he should live here somewhere"said Brad. "do you that two days ago Luss had to save me!"said puss trying to change her mood. "no I did not know that Puss"said Brad. "Well, I got sucked into this mario book and the evil guy of the story took me so Luss and Luigi had to save me!"said Puss gigeling a bit. "here it is the Cafe monster is house!"said Brad. "where is Luss she is not here!"said Puss again. "there is the Cafe monster!"said Brad while he pulled Puss into a bush to hide from the Cafe monster! "what shall we do now?"said Puss. "wait until he hangs up Luss"said Brad.
"Luss sissi"wisperd Puss to Luss happely. "Wh,w,wwhat was that?did someone say something?"asked Luss. "yes I said something!"said Puss "Puss oh Puss come here and untie me!"wisperd Luss. "I cant do it!"said Puss "Ago Brad help me please!"asked Puss. "wh,wh, who is Brad? Oh, oh oh no!Pu!"shouted Luss "shhhh keep it down Luss"said Puss "its ok he is helping me Ago save you!"wisperd Puss. "there we go!"said Brad finishing of the untieing. "come on run!"said Luss to the others.
Back to the resturant
"thanks for saving me you to!me and Puss are going now so bie Brad and thanks see you at work tomorrow!"said Luss puting her arm around Puss and left then told everything to there mum!
When they are at the Cafe monster is house!
"where now?" "to the right Puss, he should live here somewhere"said Brad. "do you that two days ago Luss had to save me!"said puss trying to change her mood. "no I did not know that Puss"said Brad. "Well, I got sucked into this mario book and the evil guy of the story took me so Luss and Luigi had to save me!"said Puss gigeling a bit. "here it is the Cafe monster is house!"said Brad. "where is Luss she is not here!"said Puss again. "there is the Cafe monster!"said Brad while he pulled Puss into a bush to hide from the Cafe monster! "what shall we do now?"said Puss. "wait until he hangs up Luss"said Brad.
"Luss sissi"wisperd Puss to Luss happely. "Wh,w,wwhat was that?did someone say something?"asked Luss. "yes I said something!"said Puss "Puss oh Puss come here and untie me!"wisperd Luss. "I cant do it!"said Puss "Ago Brad help me please!"asked Puss. "wh,wh, who is Brad? Oh, oh oh no!Pu!"shouted Luss "shhhh keep it down Luss"said Puss "its ok he is helping me Ago save you!"wisperd Puss. "there we go!"said Brad finishing of the untieing. "come on run!"said Luss to the others.
Back to the resturant
"thanks for saving me you to!me and Puss are going now so bie Brad and thanks see you at work tomorrow!"said Luss puting her arm around Puss and left then told everything to there mum!
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
the rest of Puss and Luss and the resturant monster part two!
"Luss sissi dont leave me hear please" said Puss"LUSSSSSSSSS!!!"shouted Puss loudly and woired. "num num what is my meel today! aaaaaa a cat I hate catss!"said someone! "who said that?"asked Puss looking into the dark. "Me! me resturant monster!" "whats your name?" said Puss. "my name, is Brad!" "Oh ago ok well then Brad! do you know where my sister can be?" "well is she a black cat then yes, yes I have seen your sister!" "well she is a black cat, sooo can you show me ago the way to my sister Brad!"said Puss happy Brad looked at her and said "what is the magic word?" "ok Please Brad please!" it was silent in the the resturant kitchen for a while and then Brad aswered "Ok then, this way"said Brad he walked right through the wall and disepeard into the darknes with Puss behind him all the time! "here we are!" I cant see any thing!"said Puss puzzeled. "that little poop! the Cafe monster has taken your sister Puss!he loves cats he eats them all the time!" "Oh no!!!!" shouted Puss.
Puss and Luss and the resturant monster!
"Puss have you seen the newsapaper today?" "Ago Puss has not seen news" and befor Puss finished her sentence, Puss and Luss`s mum came down and asked the same thing. "Have you seen the newspaper darlings?" "No mum, I asked the same thing to Puss she did not know where it was!" "well then girls, help me a bit in the kitchen will you?" "sure mum!" said Puss and Luss together. there mum sat down on there sofa while the girls were seting the tabel and then... "heres the newspaper it hiding behind Puss`s pillow!" "why will you take your pillow down here anyway Puss?"asked Luss. "she takes it down here when she watchs T.V. in the morning" said Mrs.claws. Mrs.claws = Puss and Luss `s mum. "Oh look here Puss, we can get a job at the Meowing cat resturant!" said Luss to Puss happely. "Mum can we get a job at the Meowing cat please?" asked Luss with a derspet face on her like she would do anything for her mother to say yes! "Ok then"said mrs.claws. "oh! thank you mum your great!"said Luss.
There first day of work!
"Ok you chop up these strawberrys and put them on the cake and then you springkel the suger un top and then serv! Ok?"said the onwer of the resturant. "Ok"said Puss and Luss. "is this not so,so sooooo!" "so what Puss so what!" "so funny!" giggeled Puss. "it sort of makes sence!"said Luss begining to giggel to. "Puss do you hear that?"asked Luss "hear ago what?"said Puss "Luss sissi! Luss!"
Where is Luss is Puss going to find her! find out soon in Puss and Luss and resturant monster part two!
There first day of work!
"Ok you chop up these strawberrys and put them on the cake and then you springkel the suger un top and then serv! Ok?"said the onwer of the resturant. "Ok"said Puss and Luss. "is this not so,so sooooo!" "so what Puss so what!" "so funny!" giggeled Puss. "it sort of makes sence!"said Luss begining to giggel to. "Puss do you hear that?"asked Luss "hear ago what?"said Puss "Luss sissi! Luss!"
Where is Luss is Puss going to find her! find out soon in Puss and Luss and resturant monster part two!
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Puss and Luss and the book! (When they are in the castle)
"Ok, we will begin with jumping over those spikes,climbing up there, and then we get that magic flower so we can shoot those little monsters, and then climb up there open the door and defeat the boss!"said Luigi to Luss. "But will we have to do when we defeat him?"asked Luss. "Well, shoot him a few times until he gets angry! its as easy as that! said Luigi. "Well, ok lets do this thing!!"said Luss. "You are right Luss lets do this thing! said luigi again.
On there way to the boss!
"Wow this climbing is hard work! said Luss. "Well get ready for a even bigger climb, look what you have left! there is a lot of climbing to do!" said Luigi. "oh, I just hope Puss is ok!"said Luss woired. "if she gets scaered easely then there is no way we are going to find her!" warned Lugigi. "What Puss, scared! no way that would ever happen! Puss tryed to hide under the Queens chair to catch a mouse! there is no way Puss will ever get scared!"shouted Luss. "ok, I get it Puss will never get scared! but has she ever bin in a scary, horr..." and befor luigi finished his word they heard a screem! "Luigi! we have to hurry! thats Puss`s screem!" shouted luss woired. "come on! the boss can throw her any second into boiling hot lava!"said Luigi climbing as fast as he could up the high fence wall. "AAAAAAAA! LUSS AGO HELP ME LUSSSSS!" "thats Puss all right! come on Luigi! HURRY"shouted Luss even more woired.
when Luss and Luigi where fineshed climbing!
"what way now?"asked Luss bretahing heavely. "over here Luss! heres the boss is door"Luigi said to Luss. "oh, is there not a elevator in the castle" Luss mumbered to her self.
"Stop right there mister!" said Luss and Luigi together. "Do not throw my sister in that boiling hot lava!" shouted Luss to the ugly boss. The boss had a spikey turtel shell on his back and was a little green monster him self! and had a bandana round his mouth. "Luss!"shouted puss happely. "Dont speak like that to a boss!" said the boss to Luigi and Luss. in the next second the boss pushed Luss and Luigi off the brige and in the hot lava! luckely Luigi had a grip of the brige and did not fall down and in the other hand he had Luss! with a good grip he could swing luss back on the brige and Luss could take Puss out of the boss is arms and push the boss down in the lava and Luigi can climb up and all of them will run back out of the castle back outside to Mario! Luigi looked down at Luss then up at the boss and then hoped his plan would work, and it did! Puss was saved and all what they had to do now was to run outside to mario!
When they were out side with Mario
"Oh, Puss are you ok!?" "Ago yes, yes I am ok sisi"said Puss while looking up at her sister and then Puss gave luigi and Mario a hug and a good bie! Puss and Luss went out of the book and ran back home!
The End!
On there way to the boss!
"Wow this climbing is hard work! said Luss. "Well get ready for a even bigger climb, look what you have left! there is a lot of climbing to do!" said Luigi. "oh, I just hope Puss is ok!"said Luss woired. "if she gets scaered easely then there is no way we are going to find her!" warned Lugigi. "What Puss, scared! no way that would ever happen! Puss tryed to hide under the Queens chair to catch a mouse! there is no way Puss will ever get scared!"shouted Luss. "ok, I get it Puss will never get scared! but has she ever bin in a scary, horr..." and befor luigi finished his word they heard a screem! "Luigi! we have to hurry! thats Puss`s screem!" shouted luss woired. "come on! the boss can throw her any second into boiling hot lava!"said Luigi climbing as fast as he could up the high fence wall. "AAAAAAAA! LUSS AGO HELP ME LUSSSSS!" "thats Puss all right! come on Luigi! HURRY"shouted Luss even more woired.
when Luss and Luigi where fineshed climbing!
"what way now?"asked Luss bretahing heavely. "over here Luss! heres the boss is door"Luigi said to Luss. "oh, is there not a elevator in the castle" Luss mumbered to her self.
"Stop right there mister!" said Luss and Luigi together. "Do not throw my sister in that boiling hot lava!" shouted Luss to the ugly boss. The boss had a spikey turtel shell on his back and was a little green monster him self! and had a bandana round his mouth. "Luss!"shouted puss happely. "Dont speak like that to a boss!" said the boss to Luigi and Luss. in the next second the boss pushed Luss and Luigi off the brige and in the hot lava! luckely Luigi had a grip of the brige and did not fall down and in the other hand he had Luss! with a good grip he could swing luss back on the brige and Luss could take Puss out of the boss is arms and push the boss down in the lava and Luigi can climb up and all of them will run back out of the castle back outside to Mario! Luigi looked down at Luss then up at the boss and then hoped his plan would work, and it did! Puss was saved and all what they had to do now was to run outside to mario!
When they were out side with Mario
"Oh, Puss are you ok!?" "Ago yes, yes I am ok sisi"said Puss while looking up at her sister and then Puss gave luigi and Mario a hug and a good bie! Puss and Luss went out of the book and ran back home!
The End!
Friday, 16 July 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
The rest of Puss and Luss and the book!
"Puss,Puss,where are you please dont do this!" "Sorry are looking for someone?" "What, wh, who was that?"said Luss scared. "Its ok, my name is Mario! Do you need help?" " Yes please, wait who did you say you were?" "I said I was Mario!"he said. "Oh, that was what it was, But do you know anything un normal about this book?" asked Luss. "Well yes! I am from that book" said Mario. "Sorry! Did you just say that you are from that book?" "Yes, yes I did! and I think I know where your sister is" said Mario. "Oh ho ho that is brilliant! But how did you know that Puss is MY sister?" said Luss. "Well she told me, and if you want to know more then follow me please" Mario said.
After a while
"Mario where are we?"asked Luss "Well we have bin sucked into this book!"answered Mario. "What do you mean? Wh...what! is Puss in there?" "Yes she is, she is in that big, horrid,yucky castle" "But ...""before you say anything you should meet my friend Luigi! He will take you through that castle and to the boss and you two will defeat the boss and get Puss out of there, you come out back here and I will be waiting, ok?" "ok" Luss agreed.
Will Luss and Luigi come out of the castle? Will they defeat the boss?
After a while
"Mario where are we?"asked Luss "Well we have bin sucked into this book!"answered Mario. "What do you mean? Wh...what! is Puss in there?" "Yes she is, she is in that big, horrid,yucky castle" "But ...""before you say anything you should meet my friend Luigi! He will take you through that castle and to the boss and you two will defeat the boss and get Puss out of there, you come out back here and I will be waiting, ok?" "ok" Luss agreed.
Will Luss and Luigi come out of the castle? Will they defeat the boss?
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Puss and Luss and the book!
"Aaaa" screamed Puss "Ago turn the t.v. of!" "Aaaa someone turn it ago of!" "Ok drama Queen!"said Luss. "the t.v. is of, what where you watching? That made you scream! And by the way why where you down here?Its seven! In the MORNING! "I am ago a early bird! And a was watching Hungry Dog!"said Puss. "What! That is my DVD" " Well ago you are a deep sleeper"said Puss. "This is ONLY for people over ten and you are hardly three!"said Luss. "I wanted to be like ago you!" "Well if you want to be like me then you should be albe to read! Because I am going to the librery tomorow and if you want to be like me then you have to be with me, ok?"said Luss. "Ago, OK!"shouted Puss.
Next day
"Ok Puss you know how to read so check out a book!"said Luss to Puss.
After a while.
"Puss found a book!" "Oh, what is it about?"asked Luss. "Its called Mario the great!"
"Well I found a much better book then that!"said Luss. "Do you know what its called?"said Luss. "Puss,Puss where are you...?
Where is Puss? Is Luss going to find her?
Dan,Dan, DAAAA!
Next day
"Ok Puss you know how to read so check out a book!"said Luss to Puss.
After a while.
"Puss found a book!" "Oh, what is it about?"asked Luss. "Its called Mario the great!"
"Well I found a much better book then that!"said Luss. "Do you know what its called?"said Luss. "Puss,Puss where are you...?
Where is Puss? Is Luss going to find her?
Dan,Dan, DAAAA!
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Zizou´s funny faces
This is or mite be a very funny thing to talk about but
Zizou is a very funny dog or well...
He has very many funny faces!
(All from after his hair cut)
Friday, 21 May 2010
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Måne Fossen!
Moon Waterfall!
I must be crazy!
But I am not.
Me,Mum,Pappa and Zizou went Måne Fossen.
It was so nice there well when you came to the top it was.
Anyway we went up steep rocky, slippery, muddy, hills to get there,
Zizou was like a mountin goat!
and Pappa,me and Mum (to last)
And pictures, will come now!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Cute and funny frogs!
Me,Zizou,Mum and Pappa,and Farmor and Farfar went to Arboret its a nice place in Stavanger it is a bit like a park, with lots of trees,grass,big stones, tiny rivers running from the big lakes!
It ´s like a dream when you are there!
It sounds nice dont you think?
with lots of frogs there in the lakes!
It´s a snail´s easter!
I know what you are thinking it is to late to be bloging about easter when its the 11th of April!
but I forgot to blog because I was having to much fun at the flat in Antibes!
Eating snails!
I know it sounds so... Well what do you think it sounds like?
Anyway I have got some pictures do you want to see them?
Well I will take that a yes!
but I forgot to blog because I was having to much fun at the flat in Antibes!
Eating snails!
I know it sounds so... Well what do you think it sounds like?
Anyway I have got some pictures do you want to see them?
Well I will take that a yes!
Monday, 22 March 2010
Story time!
This will sound just a bit crazy but guess what!
Fine I´ll tell you, here it is I am going to tell you a story but I am not got to say what the story called yet!
Ok I will tell you what the story called, its called "Puss and Luss in danger" the best story I know!
Ok here it is!
"Luss wake up you have to go to scholl" said Puss and Luss is mum.
"But mum I dont have my make up on yet!" said Luss "The bus is coming" said mum
"Ago hurry Luss!" said Puss. "One! two, three,four..." "Ok I´am coming!" said Luss.
Beep! Beep! said the school bus. Luss went down the stairs and put on her bag and grabbed Puss and said"Come on your going to be late to!" and then they said "good day mum" and ran to the bus.
After the long school day they went home on the bus but when they came home the house made now noise now mum came to the door. Luss was quiet Puss began to cry Luss made her smile, then Puss looked up at her and said "wheres mummy?" " I dont know Puss" said Luss "we have to look for her!" said Puss and cryed again. "I know!" said Luss " " just sit down Puss, I´ll make you some Turky Flurky soup!" said Luss "But I dont want any! not until mummy comes!" said Puss upset. "Well what about..."
" I said I do not want any thing until mummy comes!" "But.." said Luss. "we will just have to look for her then!"said Luss again. they walked down the street and said to them selfs " I wish mum is not hurt!"
"Well what are you two doing here its almost ten a clock" said there friend mister. Fangky Mcdoo
"Well we have lost our mum" said Luss. Puss cryed again!
then they heard a noise "mum!" they shouted together. "Where were you?" " we were soooo scared we thought you were gone for ever!" shouted Puss "But mum where were you then?" " its a long story I´ll tell you when we come home!" WHEN THEY WERE HOME!
" So you girls were soooo scared that you were looking for me until it was almost midnight!" " well I had to do it for Puss she did not want to eat!" "Girls I will tell you the story, I went to town to buy some food for dinner and then I was I found out I locked in the shopping senter but in the end they found out I was locked in the shopping senter soooo they let me out!" "Well good night mum"
The end! by mia
Fine I´ll tell you, here it is I am going to tell you a story but I am not got to say what the story called yet!
Ok I will tell you what the story called, its called "Puss and Luss in danger" the best story I know!
Ok here it is!
"Luss wake up you have to go to scholl" said Puss and Luss is mum.
"But mum I dont have my make up on yet!" said Luss "The bus is coming" said mum
"Ago hurry Luss!" said Puss. "One! two, three,four..." "Ok I´am coming!" said Luss.
Beep! Beep! said the school bus. Luss went down the stairs and put on her bag and grabbed Puss and said"Come on your going to be late to!" and then they said "good day mum" and ran to the bus.
After the long school day they went home on the bus but when they came home the house made now noise now mum came to the door. Luss was quiet Puss began to cry Luss made her smile, then Puss looked up at her and said "wheres mummy?" " I dont know Puss" said Luss "we have to look for her!" said Puss and cryed again. "I know!" said Luss " " just sit down Puss, I´ll make you some Turky Flurky soup!" said Luss "But I dont want any! not until mummy comes!" said Puss upset. "Well what about..."
" I said I do not want any thing until mummy comes!" "But.." said Luss. "we will just have to look for her then!"said Luss again. they walked down the street and said to them selfs " I wish mum is not hurt!"
"Well what are you two doing here its almost ten a clock" said there friend mister. Fangky Mcdoo
"Well we have lost our mum" said Luss. Puss cryed again!
then they heard a noise "mum!" they shouted together. "Where were you?" " we were soooo scared we thought you were gone for ever!" shouted Puss "But mum where were you then?" " its a long story I´ll tell you when we come home!" WHEN THEY WERE HOME!
" So you girls were soooo scared that you were looking for me until it was almost midnight!" " well I had to do it for Puss she did not want to eat!" "Girls I will tell you the story, I went to town to buy some food for dinner and then I was I found out I locked in the shopping senter but in the end they found out I was locked in the shopping senter soooo they let me out!" "Well good night mum"
The end! by mia
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Cute and Funny Animals!
The cutest animal I know is Zzizou,Scooby, Harry and Zippy!
But me, mum and pappa have bin in lots of towns and the rest But what about the dogs,cats and the rest of every animal in this world! I will not talk much.
But! wait let me see why does it always get so big?
anyway mostly pictures today soooooo!

See you later!
But me, mum and pappa have bin in lots of towns and the rest But what about the dogs,cats and the rest of every animal in this world! I will not talk much.
But! wait let me see why does it always get so big?
anyway mostly pictures today soooooo!
See you later!
GO MAD!!!!!!!
I am going mad!
today as every one knows its Saturday!
Mum is gone and me Zizou and pappa and the boys were happy all day long. And now we are all listening to QUEEN!
It drives me mad!
I´ll tell which song were listening to,its Its a kind of magic!
its scallops time now so I have to get going! just for now!
Seven mins its not so long. Now J.C is putting on another album U2!
I always have pictures on my... wait this is to big, back to normal size! sorry as I was saying I always have pictures on my blog, and one thing I blogged the top half on March the 20th but it was published on 21 of March
What I was going to say was Heeeeeres some mad pictures!
This is not a mad picture but its cute!
what do you think of this?
Made by Mia!
today as every one knows its Saturday!
Mum is gone and me Zizou and pappa and the boys were happy all day long. And now we are all listening to QUEEN!
It drives me mad!
I´ll tell which song were listening to,its Its a kind of magic!
its scallops time now so I have to get going! just for now!
Seven mins its not so long. Now J.C is putting on another album U2!
I always have pictures on my... wait this is to big, back to normal size! sorry as I was saying I always have pictures on my blog, and one thing I blogged the top half on March the 20th but it was published on 21 of March
What I was going to say was Heeeeeres some mad pictures!
This is not a mad picture but its cute!
what do you think of this?
Made by Mia!
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
With the cutie! walks are always different and!
hard our little cutie is like a angel in the house but outside he turns into a ferit!
I know its hard to think that our little house angel is a complete ferit outside but life has to go on!
we watch Ceaser too! we do every thing so the walks can be nice.
I dont know why, but Zizou does not do what we want him to do. So me and mum dont get a very nice walk.
Any way have you seen the big picture of Zizou? so the picture are down here!
we have pictures of Zizou when he was tiny too! CUTE!
hard our little cutie is like a angel in the house but outside he turns into a ferit!
I know its hard to think that our little house angel is a complete ferit outside but life has to go on!
we watch Ceaser too! we do every thing so the walks can be nice.
I dont know why, but Zizou does not do what we want him to do. So me and mum dont get a very nice walk.
Any way have you seen the big picture of Zizou? so the picture are down here!
we have pictures of Zizou when he was tiny too! CUTE!
Monday, 15 March 2010
Spring has not come get!
Still snow still ice! every thing is still her. Today I thought about Spiring, still not here! I cant think about it. how is doing whith you? is it Spring there? well I will love to have your answer on the coments. anyway over here it is still Winter, boring! pappa was away during the weekend! almost all the snow disepeared BUT! it came back on Monday. Soooo! you anwser me then you will not get more snow! But if you dont you will get the upetset. ok? good then we are clear! Anyway I am sorry that I did not write down the rest of What was it again The cutest thing on earth is... is that ok? fine well I am going to blog almost every day ok! well see you later!
wait cant go with out pictures here you go!

wait cant go with out pictures here you go!
Zizou and his girl friend is here and me and Zizou and Zizou alone.
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